Home » Cancer, the tumor is discovered by breathing: the test is coming

Cancer, the tumor is discovered by breathing: the test is coming

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Cancer, the tumor is discovered by breathing: the test is coming

Breathalyzer-like test may soon screen for tumors and diseases

Researchers at the PolySense Laboratory of the inter-university Physics Department of the Aldo Moro University of Bari and the Polytechnic of Bari are working on a groundbreaking new technology that could revolutionize the way tumors and serious diseases are screened for. Similar to blowing into a tube for an alcohol test, this new sensor aims to provide results in just a few minutes.

Already, some trained dogs have shown remarkable success in detecting colorectal cancer through smell, with a sensitivity of up to 99%. The goal of the researchers is to match this sensitivity and specificity using optical sensors and artificial intelligence, while also standardizing the detection process.

The laboratory, led by Vincenzo Spagnolo, is focused on developing a portable and user-friendly sensor that can analyze breath for specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs) associated with various pathologies and tumors. The aim is to provide quick and accurate results that can be used for mass screening.

The new sensor is expected to provide results much faster than current breath analysis sensors, making it convenient for use in various settings such as pharmacies or health authorities’ vans. Additionally, it can be operated by untrained personnel, further increasing accessibility.

Using artificial intelligence, the sensor will be able to detect patterns of molecules in the breath that indicate the presence of diseases, providing a simple response system similar to a traffic light. This will help determine the need for further diagnostic investigations.

By studying the VOCs present in breath, researchers hope to unlock the potential of ‘breathomics’ – a new field of biomedicine that analyzes the molecular composition of breath in relation to diseases. This innovation could lead to significant advancements in mass screening and early detection of various health conditions.

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The work being done by the inter-university Physics Department of the University of Bari underscores Southern Italy’s position as a hub of cutting-edge knowledge. With the potential to impact healthcare both nationally and internationally, this research represents a major step forward in the field of medical diagnostics.

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