Home » Cannabis: frequent use increases the risk of heart attack and stroke

Cannabis: frequent use increases the risk of heart attack and stroke

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Cannabis: frequent use increases the risk of heart attack and stroke

Study Finds Link Between Cannabis Use and Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Events

A recent study conducted over a four-year period has found a concerning association between cannabis use and cardiovascular outcomes. The study, which involved over 434,000 participants aged 18 to 74, looked at the impact of cannabis use on heart and circulation health.

The results of the study indicate that the risk of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke increases as the frequency of cannabis intake increases. This risk was found to be dose-dependent, meaning that the more often cannabis is used, the higher the risk of experiencing adverse cardiovascular events.

Interestingly, the study also found that this increased risk was present not only among regular tobacco smokers but also among non-smokers. This suggests that the negative effects on cardiovascular health may be related to cannabis itself and not just the method of consumption, such as smoking.

In particular, the study highlighted a significant risk of stroke and adverse cardiovascular outcomes among those who do not smoke tobacco or e-cigarettes. Men under 55 and women under 65, who are already at increased risk of premature cardiovascular disease, were found to be particularly susceptible to the negative effects of cannabis use.

In light of these findings, the researchers emphasize the importance of adopting strategies to mitigate the damage associated with cannabis use. This includes limiting the frequency and quantity of use, avoiding smoking, monitoring cardiovascular health regularly, and paying attention to any symptoms that may indicate a problem.

Overall, the study underscores the need for greater awareness of the long-term harmful effects of cannabis use on cardiovascular health. By taking proactive measures to reduce the risks associated with cannabis consumption, individuals can better protect their heart and circulation health.

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