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causes and cures you should know about

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causes and cures you should know about

The absence of smell can have various causes that it is very important to know how to recognize. Let’s find out which are the most important and how to behave.

When we are faced with an absence of smell we can speak of anosmia. That is the inability to recognize smells. Although this is a condition that is usually experienced with different emotions, it is a problem that should never be underestimated. Just think about how dangerous it can be not to smell a gas leak or the smell of something on fire.

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And all passing from the importance that certain scents have for our psyche, going from those of the foods we love most, to the scents of flowers, etc …
Also, don’t smell it often interferes with the flavor and it can make what you eat less tasty by changing people’s habits. Not to mention that you can risk eating foods that are no longer good.

And that, even social relationships can be affected by a problem such as loss of smell. It is therefore about a condition that should always be considered from the very first episodes. Finally, it is important to keep in mind that behind a sense of smell that does not work there are several causes among which important ones can also be hidden.

Lack of smell: the most important causes to know

In most cases, the absence of smell can be temporary and can be traced back to a simple cold, flu or irritation of the mucous membranes. Although anosmia has become particularly well known as one of the symptoms of Covid, in reality it is a problem that has always existed and that is more widespread than you think.

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absence of smell causes
(Adobe Stock photo)

Fortunately, in most cases it is short-lived and can even be partial or discontinuous. If the problem becomes lasting, it tends to be total and lasts over time, however, it can be an indication of more serious pathologies that should be investigated. Going to the causes, therefore, these are:

  • Cold
  • Seasonal and non-seasonal allergies
  • Rinusite
  • Nasal polyps
  • Head trauma
  • Covid
  • Alzheimer
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Genetic diseases of various types
  • Neoplasms

Contacting a doctor is therefore very important in order to understand the possible causes and to find a solution that is targeted and decisive. Typically, an analysis of the general situation and and a examination with optical fibers are the first solutions to be implemented. In other circumstances, an x-ray or CT scan may be required.

Going to the possible treatments for the absence of smell, in most cases the problems are usually mild and able to recover on their own or with the help of anti-inflammatory sprays or the use of corticosteroids. In others, it may be necessary to act with a little intervention. Which happens when you are in the presence of polyps. Sometimes even treatments for an ongoing pathology can interfere with the sense of smell. In this case, the doctor may consider changing them with others or modifying their administration.

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