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Cherries: properties and benefits for health and skin

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Cherries: properties and benefits for health and skin

The cherry season has arrived, the sweet fruit that is good for your health and skin

In Japan, cherry blossoms, an explosion of color, are an occasion for celebration and wonder: they are the symbol of the upcoming hot season. But for the aficionados of their fruits, the real celebration begins when the cherries appear on the market and supermarket counters. These delicious, sweet fruits are a true seasonal delicacy available only from May to July. For those who love them, one literally leads to another: limiting yourself is a test of character. Fortunately, these nutritious fruits, dense with antioxidants, they are also an elixir of well-being, beauty, and longevity. Among other things, they stimulate the production of collagen and are beautiful for the skin.

The cherry tree, technical name Prunus Avium, is a plant of the Rosaceae family, and originates from the Asian continent. There are hundreds of varieties, but in Italy, the tenerine, smaller and of a light red color, and the durone or duracine, larger, pulpy and crunchy, of a bright, wine-red color, predominate above all.

Nabiha Dahhan

The benefits and properties of cherries for health and skin

They are rich in vitamins C, A, and E, flavonoids antioxidants such as anthocyanins (which give them their red color), and minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Thanks to the presence of polyphenols and antioxidant carotenoids, and vitamin C which stimulates the production of collagen, are beneficial for the health and beauty of the skin. Thanks to antioxidants such as LUTEIN and zeaxanthin, they are beneficial for eye health and in particular the retina. Anti-inflammatory properties and reduce the symptoms of diseases such as arthritis. They have a low glycemic index. They have draining, purifying, and detoxand help liver function. They help regulate blood pressure and are useful for those with high pressure. They protect from cardiovascular diseases. They help regulate blood levels cholesterol in the blood. They help strengthen the immune system. They are rich in tryptophan and melatonin and consequently encourage sleep. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties they promote muscle recovery after sport.

Contraindications: do cherries make you fat? How many to eat?

Cherries are rich in sugars (9-12 grams per 100 grams) and should therefore be consumed in moderation if you want to reduce sugars in your diet. Exaggerating in the consumption of cherries (the recommended dose is 150 grams per day) can also cause, especially if you are sensitive to salicylates, disorders such as abdominal swelling and intestinal mobility. They are also to be avoided by those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Despite this, cherries do not provide many calories, 50 per 100 grams, and have a low glycemic index of 22, making them a suitable food also for those suffering from diabetes or with high blood sugar, limiting themselves to the recommended quantity, which is 100 g per day.

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How to eat cherries: try them for breakfast

Cherries are best enjoyed fresh, in their ripening season. Look for them with firm and crunchy pulp, it is a guarantee of freshness. They are ideal for breakfast, added to your bowl of muesli, oat flakes, granola, or porridge, or chopped into Greek yogurt. My favorite way to enjoy their flavor is to add them in a delicious and creamy smoothie with protein powder, for an energetic and nutritious breakfast.

Cherry protein smoothie recipe

– A cup of pitted ripe cherries, preferably cherries
– 1 ripe banana
– A teaspoon of hemp seeds
– A teaspoon of pea or lupine protein
– A teaspoon of peanut butter (optional)
– Oat milk
– Ice

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