Home Ā» Chinese organ clock: Do you always wake up at the same time? That’s it

Chinese organ clock: Do you always wake up at the same time? That’s it

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Chinese organ clock: Do you always wake up at the same time?  That’s it

If you wake up at a certain time every night, regardless of your bedtime, you should take a closer look. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the body could use this to send important signals.

The so-called Chinese organ clock assigns a specific organ to each time of day and is one of the most important diagnostic instruments in TCM.

Anyone who always wakes up at the same time should monitor the symptoms closely

ā€œTheoretically, there is something to the organ clock,ā€ explains sleep doctor Dr. med. Michael Feld. ā€œJust not quite as strict as stated in TCM teachings.ā€

The organ clock was developed over thousands of years by closely observing and documenting health problems within human cycles.

The focus of TCM is primarily on the symptoms that a patient shows and on the direct treatment of these. ā€œThis is where the fine sensing of acupuncture points comes from, as well as other TCM approaches ā€“ including the organ clock,ā€ says the expert.

Always awake at the same time? It may be due to this organ

9-11 p.m.: This is the time of the triple heater, which is not an organ but, according to TCM, describes the interaction of the energy cycles that come to rest in the evening.

Blood pressure and pulse drop and the digestive organs enter the recovery phase. This is a good time to read or meditate.

If you go to bed early and keep waking up, you could be under pressure and should do something to combat stress and relax. Late meals can also disrupt sleep and should be avoided.

Awake between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.? Heavy eating is the cause

11 p.m.-1 a.m.: Now the hour of the gallbladder has struck and it is time to go to bed. Pulse, blood pressure and cortisol levels decrease and the skin regenerates.

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What has a particularly negative effect is alcohol and heavy meals.

Drank alcohol? Thatā€™s why youā€™re awake between 1 and 3 a.m

1-3 a.m.: During these hours, the liver detoxifies the body ā€“ if you have drunk too much in the evening, you will probably be tossing and turning in bed during this time.

Alcohol-free evenings and liver-supporting foods like green tea before bed work wonders.

Awake between 3 and 5 a.m. ā€“ itā€™s the lungs

3-5 p.m.: The lungs cleanse themselves ā€“ sleeping with the window open can support this process.

Anyone who often wakes up from their own cough during this time should consider how their lungs are doing: Are cigarettes or allergies possibly a problem? The body also alerts you to insufficient fluid intake by coughing.

5-7 a.m.: The intestines are working

5-7am: According to the Chinese organ clock, the body is already thinking about waking up and prepares the organism for this with increased cortisol release. This also stimulates the intestines, which drives many people to the toilet.

If you drink a glass of lukewarm water first thing in the morning, you can support your digestion and start the day with ease.

Between 7 and 9 a.m.: Hunger strikes

7-9 a.m.: Now the body is prepared to absorb food. TCM recommends a light, warm morning meal, for example porridge with cinnamon and fruit.

The focus should be on breakfast rather than negative news or preparing for the job. Then the day starts relaxed and full of energy.

ā€œIf you look at the organ clock, it is actually the case that there are certain associations with organ physiology at night,ā€ explains Dr. Field. ā€œFor example, the liver has an increased metabolism at night ā€“ i.e. it works harder than during the day.ā€

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According to the doctor, the organ clock has the right approach, but the times are assigned very strictly. ā€œItā€™s not that precisely laid down in reality.ā€

Stress in everyday life affects sleep

The organ clock can actually provide information about a health problem. However, there are other reasons why you always wake up at a certain time ā€“ Dr. Feld primarily cites stress here.

ā€œThe body can also remember that it always wakes up at four oā€™clock, for example,ā€ the expert explains. ā€œWithout any reason.ā€

However, organic reasons should not be ruled out. According to the doctor, these could be the following:

Reflux in the early morning hours due to rising stomach acid ā€“ i.e. heartburn. Problems getting air because the bronchial tubes narrow. Increased snoring when the muscles relax the most in the REM sleep phase in the morning.

As long as you fall asleep again and there are no illnesses or severe daytime sleepiness, waking up regularly is, according to Dr. Incidentally, the field is only half as bad.

ā€œHowever, if complications arise, you should get checked out by a sleep doctor,ā€ he points out.

Tips for more restful sleep

To get the most out of your nightā€™s sleep, these simple rules will help, says Dr. Field.

ā€œPut your cell phone away and get the TV out of the bedroom!ā€ The high proportion of blue waves on the screens inhibits the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Better: a relaxed atmosphere with cozy, warm light. ā€œTry to relax in general. ā€œDonā€™t think too much about sleeping and avoid constantly looking at the clock,ā€ advises Dr. Field. Rituals such as a calming tea or a book before falling asleep can also have a positive effect. Through the repeated process, the body begins to relax. Regular bedtimes can also help.

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