Home » Cold hands and feet even in summer? You can have this disease

Cold hands and feet even in summer? You can have this disease

by admin
Cold hands and feet even in summer?  You can have this disease

Let’s see together what these two problems that many of us have can indicate and maybe hide an alarm bell.

Summer has arrived and we are living it with all its high temperatures, of course, so we all sweat, more or less, but there are people who have cold hands or feet, maybe even both of them even when it’s 45 degrees outside.

Cold hands and feet even in summer? You can have this disease (pixabay)

This it is not a problem to be underestimated absolutely, because it could also be the alarm bell for other problems, perhaps even genetic or related to our lifestyle.

Cold hands and feet even in summer? You can have this disease

Let’s see together what they can indicate and how we can solve the problem, if possible by ourselves, of course we always remind you to ask your doctor before doing anything.

Let’s start by saying that there are some causes for which we could have this problem, such as a too sedentary life that creates circulation problems, but even if we smoke it could be a consequence.

Or if we suffer from anxiety and stress and we cannot manage the situation well, this can also cause problems in our blood circulation, but there are also more serious situations.

As the Raynaud’s disease, which attacks our immune system, and causes the arteries of the hands and feet to narrow and for this reason they receive less oxygen, there is often a feeling of numbness in addition to the cold.

Also an high amount of sugar in the blood can cause problems of this kind to our vessels, so we must always pay attention to the signals that our body sends us.

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Then there are some remedies that we can try, but always asking our doctor for advice first, the first is the use of spices, such as chillies and ginger that help our circulation in general.

We try to avoid taking too many coffees or overdoing alcohol, we can also give hot and cold showers, alternating the water, in this way our circulation improves significantly.

We might as well notice improvements regarding the elasticity of our skin, which is always a good thing, but another piece of advice we give you is to do some walking in order to avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

Cold hands and feet even in summer?  You can have this disease
Cold hands and feet even in summer? You can have this disease (pixabay)

If we can we also move our arms a little, after a long time that we have been stationary, perhaps at a desk for work and take a little walk, we can also take foot baths on a regular basis in this way we can also deflate our feet or relieve small pains .

We can take it as a moment to dedicate to ourselves to relax and calm down that always does us absolutely good, so let’s try to understand, together with those in charge, why we have cold hands and feet even in summer and act accordingly.

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