Home » Covid as a “vaccination” towards tumors: a research from Naples

Covid as a “vaccination” towards tumors: a research from Naples

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Covid as a “vaccination” towards tumors: a research from Naples

Again a brand new lesson of the Pascale Tumor Institute of Naples highlighted sure facets associated to covid which can produce only a few advantages relative to the danger breast, liver, colon and melanoma most cancers: it seems, in truth, that the antigens of the virus act as a species “preventive precept” towards these extreme pathologies. The Neapolitan researchers’ thesis was revealed within the prestigious scientific journal Frontiers in Immunology.

Covid as a “vaccination” towards tumors: a research from Naples

Research has proven, for the primary time, that Sars-Cov-2 has molecules (antigens) just like these of the tumor. THE individuals who have been vaccinated or those that have been contaminated with the Corona virus present an immune response, subsequently, publicity to viral antigens can characterize a “preventive precept” most cancers, particularly breast, liver, colon and melanoma.

This phenomenon, which is described as “molecular mimicry”, can subsequently play a job within the prevention of tumors: in truth, the immunological response attributable to the virus, and the immune reminiscence established by the physique, it may be activated to guard the physique towards attainable tumor development.

Work – which introduces ladies medical doctors as first names as co-authors Concetta Ragone e Angela Mauriello and Mariella Tagliamonte and Luigi Buonaguro – reveals that immune cells (T lymphocytes) of vaccinated topics or these contaminated with Covid are in a position to react towards antigens of the virus and the tumor.

If the epidemiological information of the approaching years verify the influence of molecular modeling, supported by the variety of new instances of a majority of these tumors, it’s going to imply that the epidemic may have a constructive influence on the world‘s inhabitants, to offer safety towards tumor pathologies.

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I’m very happy with this achievementthe results of a venture designed and applied totally inside our establishment, which may have an extremely massive influence on the lives of individuals world wide” – harassed the overall director of Pascale, Attilio Bianchi.

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