Home » Crosetto was hospitalized at San Carlo da Nancy in Rome

Crosetto was hospitalized at San Carlo da Nancy in Rome

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Defense Minister Guido Crosetto left the Supreme Defense Council early to be transported by ambulance to the hospital. The Defender introduced this

Crosetto arrived on the emergency room of San Carlo Hospital in Nancy. This middle is identical one the place the minister was hospitalized in February because of pericarditis, adopted by the hospital’s Heart Center.

Hospitalization in San Carlo in February

The head of protection was hospitalized urgently on February 13 on the San Carlo di Nancy hospital in Rome: it was Crosetto himself who introduced himself on foot within the emergency room after experiencing extreme chest ache. The coronagraphy he obtained highlighted suspected pericarditis, which was confirmed by subsequent checks. It is an irritation of the pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the center, however – the docs defined – there was no fluid spillage between the membranes, which might have required instant intervention. In addition, the evaluation didn’t reveal any coronary heart injury.

The Minister of Defense had already had coronary heart issues previously, with hospitalization in 2013. Two days after being hospitalized, Crosetto was launched. “The well being situations – defined the top of coronary heart surgical procedure on the coronary heart middle of San Carlo Giuseppe Speziale – are good, he was launched from common well being situations and above all with out coronary heart injury. The hospitalization had a standard course that allowed him to proceed working”.

Read the complete article on ANSA.it

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