Home » Daniele Bossari and the disease that afflicts him: not everyone discovers it immediately

Daniele Bossari and the disease that afflicts him: not everyone discovers it immediately

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Daniele Bossari made some unexpected revelations about his health. Here is the disease he suffered from as a child. All the details.

Daniele Bossari- Daily bed

Daniele Bossari is a beloved Italian conductor. The former gieffino made some important revelations about his state of health, telling of a disease he has suffered from since he was a child. Here’s what he said. Let’s find out together.

Daniele Bossari’s illness

Daniele Bossari is one of the most loved Italian presenters of all time. He debuted in show business first as radio host and then at the helm of highly successful programs.

It was he who led in 2002 the Festivalbar with Simona Ventura and then also They will be famous in the 2001 edition. In the two thousand and following years he conducted instead Top of the pops, The farm, Gambit and Mystery.

In an interview with the weekly Spend, the former gieffino said he suffered from depression for a very long period of his life. To help him, his family and in particular the wife Filippa Lagerback.

Maybe not everyone knows that Daniele Bossari suffers from a disease that was diagnosed when he was a child and for which he even risked his life. Let’s see what it is.

The pathology that risked making the conductor lose his life

Daniele Bossari is a very popular Italian conductor who also participated in the Big Brother Vip 2017 edition which was won by him.

The conductor of Mystery he told in an interview with Vanity Fair of the disease he has suffered from since he was a child and because of which he also risked losing his life.

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Not everyone knows that Daniele Bossari suffer from celiac disease. The presenter spoke with an open heart about this disease even during his stay in the most spied on house in Italy.

The husband of Filippa Lagerback he explained on more occasions than as a child, while eating, continued to lose weight and he always felt very tired and exhausted.

Although the family had brought him by best specialists, no one had been able to figure out what Daniele had until a doctor from the Gaslini hospital in Genoa managed to formulate a diagnosis: celiac disease.

Bossari has addressed this issue several times and in an interview with the magazine New one turned the spotlight on this one pathology inviting everyone to prevent and contact competent health personnel when there is the impression that something in your body is not working well.

Today Daniele leads a very normal life, from an early age he consumed food gluten free and continue to do so serenely. Have one certain and sudden diagnosis of celiac disease it is now a viable option that was not possible 44 years ago.

Even managing celiac disease, he says Daniele Bossari, it’s easier now thanks to new diagnostic tests and, moreover, the state aid they allow those suffering from this disease to be able to buy and consume specific foods that are very expensive in themselves.


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