Home » Decreased birth rate in Italy and measures to combat it: more trust in those who want to have children

Decreased birth rate in Italy and measures to combat it: more trust in those who want to have children

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Decreased birth rate in Italy and measures to combat it: more trust in those who want to have children

by Valentina Di Mattei

We can give ourselves the courage to look to the future, but all possible initiatives are needed, at a public and private level, to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s parents

An interesting dialectic emerges from the comparison between the perspectives of two priests, profoundly distant temporally and conceptually. The detachment well represents the attitudinal difference between two literary archetypes: the figure of the hero and that of the anti-hero. Last December 7, the Archbishop of Milan, Mario Delpini, gave the traditional «Speech to the city» the title «Courage, one can give it», thus contrasting Manzoni’s Don Abbondio, who told Cardinal Federigo: « You can’t give yourself courage.” This contrast reflects different perspectives on fundamental aspects of the human psyche: can we or cannot we give ourselves courage? The scientific literature in psychology provides many insights on this matter, offering support to both positions.

Some studies indicate that courage can be learned over time through the acquisition of skills, building self-confidence and gradual exposure to situations that require its manifestation. This suggests the possibility of cultivating courage and developing it gradually, as supported by Delpini. Other approaches instead focus on the intrinsic, temperamental nature of courage and trust. Some would have an innate propensity towards these attitudes, while others may find it more difficult to conquer. The scientific psychological literature reflects a combination of factors, including elements of learning, personal development, and predisposition.

In the newspapers there has recently been talk of young people’s confidence and courage regarding the worrying decline in the birth rate in Italy. The demographic challenge is fundamental for our country and the desire to have children and to build a family have always been crucial life choices. On the one hand it is a matter of economic security and stability. On the other hand, there is a shortage of visions and projects to dream about. If there is no desire, even the courage of ideas is lacking and those who do not have the courage to plan lose their faith in the future. The Pnrr includes a general clause to encourage companies to hire more women and young people, an essential condition for participating in the planned investments. It is therefore essential to help young people regain confidence and determination, to have hope in their future.


There are many countries that find themselves in a condition of low fertility and high longevity. However, as the Rector of Bocconi University F. Billari recalls in the text “Tomorrow is today”, various nations have faced similar situations and managed to change the direction of their demographic development. The courage must therefore come from both individuals and governments for substantial reforms to reverse the trend of mistrust.

* Associate Professor of Psychology, San Raffaele University, Milan

March 30, 2024


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