Home » Degree in medicine at Unical, Manna: now the new hospital can be built in Rende

Degree in medicine at Unical, Manna: now the new hospital can be built in Rende

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“The new hospital must be built in Rende. The change of pace we are hoping for must take place now: there is no more time to postpone the future that we have all been waiting for too long ”. Thus comments the mayor Marcello Manna the news of the accreditation by the Ministry of University and Research of the single-cycle master’s degree course in Medicine and Surgery Td (Digital Technologies) at the University of Calabria. “A decision that can no longer be postponed: for this reason we ask the FF president of the region to promote an encounter in the citadel together with the president of the Province. The allocation of the new hospital in Rende is now a necessary choice ”, continued the mayor.

“We are pleased – continued Manna – that Anvur has given the go ahead for the start of the degree course at Unical, the result of synergistic work between institutions. For some time our administration has been collaborating with the University of Calabria and on several occasions and at various levels we have urged acceleration on these issues. We hope that this synergy will be implemented not only in an emergency, but above all in normality. We applaud the work done by Leone and the academic senate who, with the institution of the medical faculty, have managed to achieve a result that will give prestige to all of Calabria. Rende and the University of Calabria can indicate the change of course necessary to guarantee the constitutional right to health and care and to education, today even more undermined by an unprecedented pandemic crisis and an evident political vacatio. Unical is territorial excellence to be enhanced and strengthened through synergy actions that improve the services of assistance to citizens ”.

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“Medicine is done on the territory: it is the territorial organization that makes the difference and with the implementation of the new urban planning, through the construction of the motorway junction in Settimo and the railway station between Rende and Montalto, a service will be offered essential in a strategic area with a view to the unique city. We need to have a clear vision of the future: the current hospital is one hundred years old, the new hospital must be designed for the next hundred “, continued Manna who then announced that the sports hall of Rende was chosen among the national offices of the vaccination hubs. “The decision taken by the Ministry of Health and by the leaders of the Civil Protection comes after the evaluation of the data that emerged from the beginning of the vaccination campaign. It became clear that talking about good health is possible even at these latitudes. A figure, that of Rende, in contrast, but which is the result of efficient management that has been recognized as a virtuous example to follow “, explained the mayor Marcello Manna, underlining how:” the structure lends itself to the logistical level for an efficient continuation administration of vaccines. In order for it to be truly a restart capable of relaunching our economy, the right to health and safety at work must be guaranteed: we believe that the two areas must travel together because they are closely related to each other “.

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