Home » Dematerialized recipe. Towards an extension of the sending via SMS of the reminder while waiting for the system to go up and running

Dematerialized recipe. Towards an extension of the sending via SMS of the reminder while waiting for the system to go up and running

by admin
Dematerialized recipe.  Towards an extension of the sending via SMS of the reminder while waiting for the system to go up and running

The dematerialization of the paper recipe memo has actually already been extended with two decrees beyond the state of emergency but the system is not operational in many regions. And for which it will be necessary an order of the Civil Protection that can extend the sending by the doctors of the reminder via sms or email.

30 MAR – Even after the expiry of the state of emergency, you can continue to receive the reminder of the recipe digitally. In fact, a new Civil Protection ordinance is on the way which will extend the possibility for doctors to send the reminder via text message or email to patients who will be able to continue to go to the pharmacy without having to go to the doctor first to collect the paper memo.

The system for sending the reminder digitally was introduced at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 with an ordinance of the Civil Protection. Subsequently, again in 2020 Mef and Salute issued two decrees to get the system up and running even after the emergency phase. The problem, however, is that the fully operational system provides that the citizen can access the digital memo in a special area of ​​the portal www.sistemats.it with Spid or Cns but also without or through the electronic health record and directly in the pharmacy with the health card. .

The problem is that the system in many regions is not ready and therefore an extension will be required (also requested by the regions themselves) for doctors to send them directly via text message or email.

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“We are working in close contact with the Ministry of Health to ensure that a system does not skip from 1 April, perhaps one of the few positive things inherited from the Covid period, which in fact allowed after years of mere theoretical discussion a true dematerialization of the prescription of the NHS, thanks to measures which however fell within the emergency profiles of the period and therefore expire on 31 March. A more than concrete risk, with respect to which fortunately we have once again found great political sensitivity on the part of Minister Roberto Speranza and his staff, starting with the head of the Cabinet Tiziana Coccoluto“, Says the general secretary of Fimmg, Silvestro Scotti.

“In recent years we have been able to send the reminder either via email or through messaging with only the electronic number of the prescription (the so-called NRE), to our patients – remembers the general secretary Fimmg – giving them the freedom to take the therapies in the nearest pharmacies at home or allowing especially the family members of the most fragile patients, usually children or grandchildren, a management more suited to the times of a caregiver; who then is often a worker and should get time to move to our studios just to get a reminder during his working hours. A system that has proved to be very efficient, especially useful for the delivery of repeated therapies to chronic patients and which is determining (according to our analyzes) even greater adherence to the therapies “

30 March 2022
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