Home » Diabetes, the eye symptom you should be very careful about

Diabetes, the eye symptom you should be very careful about

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Worldwide, diabetes is one of the most common diseases; there are those who call it the pathology of the century. It not only affects the elderly but can also be found in children, pregnant women and adults of any age.

diabetes eye symptom – lettoquotidiano.it

The number of people with diabetes is constantly increasing. According to WHO data, if this disease affected 425 million people in 2017, by 2045 the figure could rise to 629 million.

There are two types of diabetes: the Type 1 (the pancreas cannot produce the insulin hormone) and the type 2 (the affected person does not produce enough insulin or is resistant to it).

L’hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels) can increase the risk of complications, including retinopathy. Generally, in therapies, the interest is focused on the monitoring of retinal diseases: this is the priority. What is overlooked and neglected in the person with diabetes is the Dry Eye Syndrome.

Diabetes: Watch out for this eye symptom

The FROM (Dry Eye Syndrome) was recognized in 2007 as a dysfunctional pathology of LFU (Lacrimal Functional Unit) consisting of the cornea, conjunctiva, meibomian gland, lacrimal gland, eyelids and sensory nerves. This Unit serves to regulate tear secretion, maintain a healthy ocular surface and contribute to the formation of the tear film.

Two types of DES have been identified: evaporativa (due to various causes such as vitamin A deficiency, eyelid or blinking problems) e watery (lacking in tears). There may be excessive loss of tears or, conversely, insufficient production.

Dry Eye Syndrome is caused by severe hyperglycemia, profound dehydration and an unstable tear film.

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With diabetes, DES is more at risk

People with diabetes over 50 are more likely to be affected by Dry Eye Syndrome.

I symptoms are the following:

  • Blurred vision
  • Dryness;
  • Itching;
  • The pain
  • Burning;
  • Corneal ulcers;
  • Blindness (in severe cases).

DES is not evaluated in diabetics

Dry Eye Syndrome generally it is not evaluated in diabetics. Furthermore, few studies address the effects of diabetes-related DES.

One of the few research studies has shown that DES is twice as common in type 2 diabetes (90% of total cases) than in type 1. It has been found that, if DES generally reduces the quality of life , for diabetics it appears to be more conditioning. It is important to perform a clinical evaluation of DES.


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