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Diet for a sedentary lifestyle: what to eat to lose weight

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Diet for a sedentary lifestyle: what to eat to lose weight

The diet for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle must be based on the consumption of certain foods: here’s what to eat to lose weight.
What you need to eat to stay fit, discover the 11 rules to stay fit even if you lead a sedentary life. They are small and simple rules that improve life and keep us fit.
I know if he drives one Sedentary life here is the diet that is good to follow: let’s find out useful advice on what to eat to lose weight even if you don’t do a lot of physical activity and spend most of the day sitting.
Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle risk putting on weight, here is what they must eat to stay on a diet and for lose weight and keep the line.
Due to the hectic pace we are unable to take free time and eat healthily. Furthermore, a sedentary lifestyle leads us to gain weight, precisely because we do not respect a balanced diet. But what needs to be done for stay in shape and to keep the right line?
First of all, you need to hydrate well during the day and drink lots of water, at least a couple of liters a day, and then you should do some physical activity. Even a 30-45 minute walk two to three times a week may be enough. For reasons of force majeure, however, we neglect the basics of proper nutrition and physical exercise. If we have a sedentary life, we are sitting for several hours a day and we don’t move too much, we don’t burn the accumulated calories. What to do and what to eat?

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Diet for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle: what to eat to lose weight.
The correct diet for those who lead a sedentary life, the line is maintained like this
1000 calorie daily diet: how much weight do you lose?
On balance, if our caloric requirement is 1500 calories and we cut 500 a day, considering that a pound of fat corresponds to 7000 calories, we could lose half a kilo of fat a week. Which is not cheap at all!
The more kilos to lose, the longer the duration of the chosen low-calorie diet must be; but each person has his own characteristics and a perfect diet for one can have disastrous effects for another.
If you want or need to lose a lot of weight, it is therefore essential to contact a nutrition professional and avoid do-it-yourself remedies or those suggested by friends, relatives or inexperienced people. Only a nutritionist is able to create a slimming program tailored to the patient based on any problems, food tastes and lifestyle.

Diet for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle: what to eat to lose weight – 1000 calorie diet menu per day
Below is a small daily scheme of a low calorie slimming diet that is not at all restrictive but very tasty and healthy. There he is:
Breakfast: 1 coffee without sugar or sweetened with stevia (natural sweetener with zero calories without contraindications), 1 low-fat yogurt with two rusks or with 15 g of dry biscuits
Mid-morning snack: a bowl of mixed fruit (150 g) including apples and strawberries, or bananas and kiwis, or pineapple and raspberries
Lunch: a plate of pasta with tomato sauce (60 g with simple sauce without adding Parmesan), 50 g of bresaola with grilled radicchio garnished with lemon, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil + 30 g of wholemeal bread
Snack: a fruit
Dinner: baked sea bream with a side of tomatoes (200 g) seasoned with a little extra virgin olive oil, lemon and oregano, and 70 g of wholemeal bread.
Moving little means not being able to burn all the accumulated calories. Here are some tips for staying fit.

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Learn the 11 rules to stay fit even if you lead a sedentary life
1 Eating three meals and a couple of snacks is the right way to go.
2 For snacks it would be advisable to consume fruit or yogurt, just to stop hunger.
3 For meals, just respect the rules of the Mediterranean diet, which is rich and varied, as well as healthy.
4 Varying food often is best.
5 And still, better to banish fatty foods, junk sweets, rich in sugar or salt.
6 Skipping meals is also wrong, because it slows down your metabolism.
7 A healthy breakfast is essential, so as not to arrive too hungry for lunch.
8 Lunch doesn’t have to be too elaborate, but it still needs to provide energy to get you through the day. Wholemeal pasta, vegetables, legumes, a slice of bread and a fruit are the recommended foods.
10 At dinner it is better to eat proteins, then eggs, meat or fish, without exaggerating.
11 Finally, a nice relaxing herbal tea to promote sleep.
They are small and simple rules that improve life and keep us fit. Getting the body used to dealing with this diet is a good thing. But not only that, because it would also be appropriate to combine a quick and light physical activity. Maybe a walk, some exercise at home, without exaggerating, has numerous benefits. It is important to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Health also passes through small daily gestures.

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