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discovered a new, surprising symptom |

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discovered a new, surprising symptom |

And new symptom of colon cancer could facilitate early diagnosis. One of the main problems with this tumor is that in the early stages it has few symptoms and is generally common to many other diseases or many other disorders. The most widespread are:

tiredness, lack of appetite, weight loss.

All signals that are often underestimated. Another symptom is the presence of blood in the stoolbut often the leaks are so small that they are not visible to the naked eye, so an examination is needed to look for the so-called “occult blood“.

Negg symptom of colon cancer easily identifiable by everyone

Now from Center for Gastrointestinal Cancers from Yale University is focusing on a new symptom, which is increasingly common among patients. It’s about the thin stools, which are shaped like a pencil.

This situation happens especially for those patients who have tumors near the end of the colon. Or when the tumor lines the inside of the colon, making the walls through which stool passes narrower. Therefore, according to Yale experts, even younger people faced with this symptom should undergo more in-depth tests.

Cases are also rising sharply among young people

Colorectal cancer is causing great concern to expertssignificant increase in the number of diagnoses in younger people. Several studies have already begun to understand the reasons, given that until a few years ago it mainly affected older people.

A study published in the scientific journal JAMA Surgery proved that between 2010 and 2030 cases will increase by 90% in young people between 20 and 34 years old.

What are the hypotheses in the field?

The main hypotheses concern the rising obesity rates and worsening lifestyles. According to some scientists, the reason could also be environmental, but there are no certainties. Also eating junk food and abusing alcohol in the long run they can increase the risk. However, experts maintain that not all cases fall into this category. Scientists think it must be a combination of elements which is leading to these increases in diagnoses.

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