Home » Eat 25 grams of oil every night 15 minutes before bed. What happens to the heart, blood sugar and cholesterol?

Eat 25 grams of oil every night 15 minutes before bed. What happens to the heart, blood sugar and cholesterol?

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Eat 25 grams of oil every night 15 minutes before bed.  What happens to the heart, blood sugar and cholesterol?

According to Spanish researcher Cristina De la Puerta of the University of Seville, drinking oil regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Contains melatonin which is the sleep regulating hormone. Melatonin production decreases with increasing age. This is why there are problems with insomnia in the elderly.

What are the benefits of drinking oil?

Drinking oil reduces the risk of heart disease. It has an anti-aging function for the skin and bones as it is rich in vitamin E, which protects against decalcification, osteoporosis and fractures. Thanks to its biophenols, good oil helps to reduce blood pressure at the systolic and diastolic level. Its fatty acids strengthen the immune system against bacteria and viruses. It inhibits gastric mobility and promotes digestion.

What is good oil bad for?

Excessive oil consumption does not lower cholesterol but, on the contrary, raises it. Pay attention to that of palm which is a palmitic acid, therefore a saturated fat. It is often linked by scientific studies to the onset of diabetes. It damages the beta-pancreatic cells responsible for insulin production, triggering the development of the disease.

What does good oil contain?

It is mainly made up of triglycerides. These are formed by the esterification of the three hydroxyl groups of glycerol with as many fatty acids. In any oil there is oleic acid, monounsaturated, which is present for 70-80%. The linoleic one, diunsaturated, which represents about 10%. Finally the palmitic, saturated which represents 7-15%. Stearic acid, also saturated, is present for 1.5-3.5%. Good olive oil provides vitamins D and E. The former is valuable for the immune, cardiovascular and bone systems. The other has emollient and antioxidant properties.

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Which drinks make you sleep better?

Chamomile, milk, lemon balm infusion, cherry juice and banana smoothy. Chamomile, like many other herbal teas, relieves digestive problems and light sleep disturbances. Milk contains the amino acid L-tryptophan, which transforms into 5-HTP and releases relaxing serotonin. Cherries are rich in melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Bananas are natural relaxants.

Is milk good for blood sugar?

It is rich in protein and can be useful against diabetes, because it lowers blood sugar levels throughout the day. Many scientific researches have confirmed that the partially skimmed one lowers the blood sugar. To lower blood sugar are good vegetables such as lettuce, fennel, zucchini, radicchio. A high blood sugar diet is rich in green leafy vegetables.

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