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elected president, Boschi and Montaruli the two deputies

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elected president, Boschi and Montaruli the two deputies

Barbara Florida of the 5 Star Movement it’s the new one chairman of the Rai Supervisory Commission. A new all-female commission: the new ones vice presidents I am Maria Elena Woods of Third Place e Augusta Montarulideputy of the Brothers of Italy.

Barbara Floridia president of the Rai Supervisory Commission

Barbara Floridia was elected with 39 votes in favour, two blank ballots and one blank ballot. The announcement of Floridia’s election was greeted by the bicameral with a long applause.

“It’s a honor be elected president,” Floridia said after the vote. “It’s a commission fundamental to democracy in our country. We will work and ensure that the pluralism and independence in Rai and so that all parties can have a voice”.

Floridia then spoke of his resignation as group leader of the 5-star Movement in the Senate: “As soon as I return to Palazzo Madama I will see the procedures for resigning as correct as it is”.

Who is Barbara Floridia

Barbara Floridia is born in Messinais 46 years old and is ateacher. After the classical high school diploma she graduated in Modern Literature with a History address at the University of Messina. Later she became Italian and Latin teacher in secondary schools between Rome, Bologna and Vicenza.

She approached the 5 Star Movement by becoming an activist in meetups. In the 2016 he met the notoriety by posting on Facebook a video titled “Happy Holidays from an Italian teacher” against the ‘good school’ of the Renzi government. The video has been shared more than 500,000 times.

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In the photo, the new deputy secretaries of the Rai Supervisory Commission: Maria Elena Boschi of the Third Pole (left) and Augusta Montaruli of Fratelli d’Italia (right).

AND entered parliament in 2018 being elected senator. During the Draghi government she was undersecretary of education. In the 2022 was re-elected. Since October 2022 it is leader of the M5S in the Senate, a role he will now have to leave.

On April 4, 2023 she was elected chairman of the Rai Supervisory Commission.

Barbara Floridia takes over from the outgoing Alberto Barachini. She is there second woman to lead the bicameral after Rosa Russo Iervolino, in office from 1985 to 1987.

Boschi and Montaruli vice presidents

Elected to vice presidency of the Rai Supervisory Commission Maria Elena Boschi of the Third Pole, with 19 votes, and Augusta Montaruli of Fratelli d’Italia with 16 votes.

I secretaries they will be Stefano Candiani of the League and Ouidad Bakkali of the Pd.

Photo source: ANSA

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