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F1, Leclerc: “No updates in Canada, but we need to improve”

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 Carlos Sainz: “Anche Alpine sta arrivando al nostro livello”

Formula 1 does prepare the Canadian Grand Prix. I pilots Ferrari they talked on the eve of the weekend. Charles Leclerc he focused on his car’s current problems: “We are very disappointed with the way these races went, we won’t bring updates to Canada but we aim to maximize the set-up and reduce errors”. Carlos Sainz: “I like the track, but we have to be careful of Alpine, he’s improving a lot”.

“It was a very difficult weekend for me in Spain – he continued
Leclerc – Today we don’t bring anything new compared to that race, I don’t think we will see miracles on the track. We need to better understand our package and how to improve the set-up in order to make it perform better. I don’t think we will make a huge step forward but I think it will still be better than the last GP. As regards the checks after the problems in Barcelona, ​​no problems were found in Maranello. Last year here in Montreal the starting situation was very different, while this year we expect
Aston Martin e
Red Bull very fast. We don’t know how the comparison with Mercedes will be, but it’s important to focus on us.” He then closes with an analysis on the start of the season: “We are very disappointed with the current trend, we are all angry with ourselves. On Spanish soil I was the only one to suffer so much, but we have to push and become regular in improving the race pace to reduce the gap to those in front. Carlos also struggled on the long run, but there is a clear direction for the team to grow together and overcome this moment”.

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“I like this track a lot, you run very close to the curbs and walls, it’s very similar to Monte Carlo – he added
Sainz – I hope for a better weekend than the one in Barcelona, ​​even if we don’t bring any news compared to that occasion, but we understood what didn’t work. We hope that the characteristics of this track can better suit our car.” The Spanish driver then concluded with an analysis on his rivals: “I believe that Alpine is growing a lot and could soon reach our level, while Mercedes, if it confirms the progress seen in Spain, would be ever closer to Aston Martin”.

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