Home Ā» Few people know but this delicious fruit fights Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular problems

Few people know but this delicious fruit fights Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular problems

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There are some foods that can really do our health very well. But if we don’t know exactly what its properties are, it is difficult to understand what to put on the table. In fact, there are some very good foods that can really do good for our body. And above all, they can help us prevent diseases that scare us all. We see today, for this reason, a fruit that could protect us from some evils that we absolutely do not want to have.

Few people know but this delicious fruit fights Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular problems

Apparently, grapes can help prevent Alzheimer’s. To confirm this, a study conducted by the University of California which examined some volunteers, divided into two groups. At the first, the researchers gave one cluster of red grapes a day. At the second, however, this portion has been removed. The results showed that, to keep the brain active and the memory always high, we should eat a bunch of grapes every day. Thanks to polyphenols, in fact, we would remove the risk of Alzheimer’s very easily.

And what about cardiovascular problems

But grapes also have another great property. It seems, in fact, that it can also help us fight cardiovascular problems. To support this, a research by CREA Viticulture and Enology, aided by scholars from the University of Bari. The grape that was examined is the black berry Autumn Royal which, thanks to its compounds such as polyphenols and vitamins, acquires properties antioxidants and tonic. In this way, this food would remove the risk factors that could lead to cardiovascular disorders.

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Therefore, very few know this but this delicious fruit fights Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular problems. From today, thanks to this information, we will certainly be able to understand how to exploit this delicious food. Obviously, we will also be able to talk about it with our doctor, also associating the intake of grapes with a healthy and regular lifestyle.


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