Home Ā» Few people know that colon cancer can come from abusing these very common drinks

Few people know that colon cancer can come from abusing these very common drinks

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Colon cancer is a disease that affects around 23,000 women and 30,000 men each year in Italy. The numbers are increasing, especially in the female universe. Never as in the case of this type of cancer, our eating habits can be fundamental, both positively and negatively. If we follow a healthy and balanced diet, then nutrition can be the first step towards prevention. Conversely, if we have bad eating habits, we can increase the risk of getting sick. Recently, for example, medicine has shed light on the relationship between sugary drinks and cancer. Few people know that colon cancer can come from abusing these very common drinks, which are still abundantly consumed, especially during adolescence. To shed light on the issue, a study published in the prestigious gastroenterology journal “Gut”, later reported by the AIRC experts.

Few people know that colon cancer can come from abusing these very common drinks

Highly sweetened sodas increase the risk of colorectal cancer. To say it is a study carried out on 95,000 nurses. The people sampled all participated in the Nurses’ Health Study II, a major epidemiological study. The study involved monitoring the eating habits of each member of the sample for 24 years. Every 4 years, each monitored subject had to fill out a detailed questionnaire about their diet. Some questions also focused on eating habits during adolescence (between 13 and 18 years). The results were staggering. Those who consumed more than two glasses of sugary drinks a day were at twice the risk of getting colon cancer. Not only that, the data highlighted by the study highlight a real risk of early cancer (before the age of 50).

By sugary drinks, we mean all fizzy drinks, as well as fruit juices and energy drinks. Researchers calculated that every additional glass of one of these drinks a day increases the risk of colon cancer by 16%. By limiting the habit to the adolescent phase, each additional glass increases the risk by 32%.

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How to reduce the trend

Looking at the glass half full, we can say that not drinking sugary drinks is a great deterrent for colon cancer. Also according to the study, by replacing a glass a day of sweetened drink with one of milk or coffee, we reduce the risk from 18% to 36%. In this case, the subjects most in danger are precisely the young, often much more accustomed than adults to the consumption of these drinks. For this, it is necessary to accustom young people to drink only healthy drinks, from an early age.


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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