Home » Few people know that eating this very common food can reduce the risk of an aneurysm

Few people know that eating this very common food can reduce the risk of an aneurysm

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An aneurysm is a dilation of the walls of a blood vessel, which can lead to its rupture. It is a slow and not always predictable process, which can lead to very serious damage and can be fatal. Prevention is the best weapon. Few, however, know that eating this very common food can reduce the risk of an aneurysm.

A silent danger

An aneurysm is often not noticed until it ruptures. Sometimes, however, expanding quickly can lead to ailments such as high sweating, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, pain and nausea.

Its formation is caused by many factors. It can be congenital or be caused by trauma, infection, or inflammation.

A healthy lifestyle is key, as the risk of an aneurysm increases with many bad habits. Smoking and alcohol in the first place, but also obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes. It is therefore good to always keep all these factors under control.

Depending on the artery affected, the aneurysm can be:

  1. the popliteal artery, behind the knee;
  2. cerebral, when it occurs in the blood vessels that carry blood to the brain;
  3. of the mesenteric artery, if it occurs in the intestine;
  4. of the splenic artery, when it concerns the spleen.
  5. aortic, when it affects this aorta artery;

Treatment is mostly surgical, with techniques that can be more or less invasive.

Few people know that eating this very common food can reduce the risk of an aneurysm

To reduce the risk of an aneurysm, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • very important is the control of blood pressure
  • doing physical activity
  • stop smoking
  • manage stress
  • have a healthy diet
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A more or less recent study has shown how regular fruit consumption can greatly reduce the risk of aneurysm. This study was carried out on a sample of 80,000 people and it was shown that people who eat at least 2 portions of fruit a day have seen the risk of aneurysm drop by more than 30% compared to those who do not eat it.

Fruit, therefore, remains one of the fundamental foods for our health.

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