Home » Few people know that to ward off blood diseases these values ​​must not get high

Few people know that to ward off blood diseases these values ​​must not get high

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The one that says “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” may be an instructive rhyme, but it has scientific foundations. In fact, a diet rich in fruit, vegetables and omega 3 combined with a correct lifestyle can reduce the risks of many diseases. In fact, healthy habits, not just food, are milestones to aspire to a long and happy life. These certainly include that of periodically carrying out specific analyzes and tests according to age. For example, those who are 60 years old must have these checks for a long and happy life. Furthermore, it is essential to adopt certain attitudes before checks. This is because there could be nasty surprises if these 3 behaviors that many ignore are not adopted before the analyzes.

Performing blood tests is very important for our health, as in this way we can keep the values ​​of cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides under control. But it’s not just these values ​​that are important to our well-being. In fact, few know that to avoid blood diseases these values ​​must not get high, that is the values ​​of white blood cells or leukocytes. These are cells in the blood that protect the body against viruses, bacteria and foreign bodies that have entered the body. In short, they are the most important element for our immune system.

What are white blood cells used for?

There are different types of white blood cells and knowing the percentage present in each one in the body allows you to have more information on your state of health. In particular, they are divided into 6 subgroups, each with a function and are:

  • eosinofili;
  • basophilia;
  • monocytes;
  • lymphocytes;
  • neutrophils and dendritic cells.
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This count may be required for various reasons, for example to assess the presence of an infection, allergies, autoimmune diseases. Or, more simply, to screen for various diseases. If the white blood cells are elevated from the blood count, it is in the presence of the so-called leucytosis, which indicates that the body is fighting against something. This will lead to having to know the triggering cause of their increase and to start treatment promptly.

In the case of a low value, we are faced with leukopenia, i.e. the number of white blood cells is lower than normal. The value varies according to age and gender.

Few people know that to ward off blood diseases these values ​​must not get high

The causes of an increase or decrease in white blood cells can be many. These include anemia, the consumption of certain medications, drugs, cancer or leukemia, inflammatory diseases, allergies, infections, stress and measles.

If you already have a viral disease or are coming out of it, it is normal to have these high values. But if otherwise there is none of this, you need to consult your doctor and investigate further.

A lower number of white blood cells makes the body more vulnerable to contracting viruses and bacteria. In some cases it is a symptom of a medical problem that needs to be solved. These include conditions that compromise the bone marrow, autoimmune diseases, some types of cancers, but also the use of certain drugs and chemotherapy. In any case, it is essential to submit the results of the analyzes to your doctor who will carry out the due evaluation.

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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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