Home » Five reasons why you should eat Greek yogurt for breakfast

Five reasons why you should eat Greek yogurt for breakfast

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Five reasons why you should eat Greek yogurt for breakfast

Do you like eating yogurt, but are you looking for variety? Try Greek yogurt. Read here what positive effects it has on your body.

Whether typically with honey, nuts, berries or plain – Greek yogurt is a delicious snack in every version.

The creamy milk product is also ideal as a breakfast as it contains more fat than conventional yoghurt and therefore keeps you full for a long time.

Greek yogurt vs. regular yogurt – that’s the difference

The crucial difference to normal yoghurt lies in the manufacturing process: you need around four liters of milk for one kilo of Greek yoghurt; for normal yoghurt this ratio is one to one.

Yoghurt, which is made according to the Greek tradition, is first enriched with lactic acid bacteria, like our conventional yoghurt. The yoghurt mixture is allowed to drain so that the whey separates from the yoghurt. Greek yogurt drips for an extra long time, which creates its particularly creamy consistency.

And Greek yogurt is healthy too.

1. Greek yogurt is good for bones

Greek yogurt contains plenty of calcium and proteins, which improve the overall condition of bones. Calcium can also reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis, a skeletal disease in which bones lose strength.

2. If you want to lose weight, you should rely on Greek yogurt

Thanks to its high protein content, Greek yogurt ensures long-lasting satiety. Studies have also shown that a diet rich in protein boosts metabolism.

This means that the body burns calories efficiently, so that a calorie deficit is reached more quickly. This allows you to lose weight.

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3. Good for the intestines

Greek yogurt also contains probiotics, which are good bacteria that can help restore the balance of bacteria in the intestines. However, according to studies, not everyone responds to probiotics in the same way. Some people appear to be resistant to this type of bacteria.

4. Greek yogurt is muscle food

Protein-rich foods like Greek yogurt support muscle building. Scientists have been able to prove that proteins are the ideal nutrient to regenerate and build muscles after strength training.

Tipp: A bowl of Greek yogurt with nuts and berries is the best combination for maximum training effects.

5. Blood pressure lowering Greek yogurt

A US study with more than 700 subjects showed that consuming fermented milk with probiotics – i.e. Greek yogurt – can naturally help lower blood pressure.

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