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Fourth dose of vaccine, Cauda: “I’m afraid it will serve”

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The fourth dose of anti covid vaccine, which Israel has already begun to administer above the age of 60, will it be necessary? “I’m afraid so”. To say it is Roberto Tail, director of Infectious Diseases at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome and consultant of the European Medicines Agency Ema for infectious diseases, who spoke at ‘AgorĆ ’ on Rai Tre. We must continue to vaccinate, he explains, launching the warning: “Reduction in pediatric vaccinations is not good news. One in 4 contagion is under the age of 20 “.” We must not desist “from immunizing ourselves against Covid.

The fourth dose – he continues – beyond what may be the effectiveness of the third dose which will surely give important effects, I think it might be necessary if vaccines are set up that take into account the variants and which would therefore be more efficient in terms of protection. Israel’s data will be important, but if they have started doing it, it is clear that, if not for everyone, it could be useful for some categories. ”

“I hope 2022 will be Covid-free, if not all, at least part” of the year. But in the meantime “the 170 thousand infections” recorded yesterday in Italy are frightening, “which are growing week by week in a percentage of 150%, and the number of deaths. I believe that the peak may be between mid and late January“, Cauda predicts. All this, he noted,” is certainly due to the Omicron variant, which has already become prevalent in our country. In France we see 300,000 infections a day, in the US a million. We have a rather difficult situation that requires quick stances to be able to try to deal with it, even if we know that the only way to have a real barrier against this spread of the virus is represented by the vaccine “.

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“Studies indicate that Omicron gives less severe forms – added Cauda – but when the number of infected people is so large it is clear that even 1% of severe forms determine the stress we are seeing in hospitals and intensive care units and that increase in deaths “.

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