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From Andes Survivor to Renowned Pediatric Cardiologist: The Incredible Story of Roberto Canessa

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From Andes Survivor to Renowned Pediatric Cardiologist: The Incredible Story of Roberto Canessa

Renowned Pediatric Cardiologist Roberto Canessa Survives Andes Tragedy

The Andes accident of 1972, in which a plane crashed in the mountain range stranding 16 young people, has once again captured attention with the premiere of the Netflix film ‘The Snow Society.’ This portrayal of the survival story has brought back to the limelight the involvement of Roberto Canessa, who became a renowned pediatric cardiologist after the incident.

A medical student at the time, Canessa was one of the 16 survivors of the plane crash. Along with his colleague Fernando Parrado, he took on a critical role in caring for the wounded and organizing expeditions to find help. Their story of survival includes a harrowing 10-day journey through the Andes mountains, during which they faced extreme conditions and sacrificed to stay alive.

Thanks to their perseverance and the help of a mule driver named Sergio Catalan, Canessa and Parrado were able to signal for rescue and save their fellow survivors. The story of their resilience and strength has captivated people around the world.

Now a renowned pediatric cardiologist, Canessa has dedicated his life to saving lives and providing assistance to families with children who have heart disease. His remarkable story of survival and subsequent success is chronicled in his book ‘I Had to Survive’ and through his various speaking engagements. Canessa’s inspiring journey serves as a testament to the unyielding human spirit in the face of adversity.

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