Home » German Bundestag – Union parliamentary group wants more incentives for blood donations

German Bundestag – Union parliamentary group wants more incentives for blood donations

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German Bundestag – Union parliamentary group wants more incentives for blood donations

Berlin: (hib/PK) The Union faction is calling for more incentives for blood and blood plasma donations. There has been a major shortage of blood supplies for a long time. The German Red Cross (DRK) and other aid organizations warned of a state of emergency, according to a motion (20/10613) from the parliamentary group.

According to the DRK, the daily requirement for blood donations and blood plasma is around 15,000 blood units. Around 80 percent of German citizens need a blood donation at least once in their life. Although 94 percent of the population considered blood donations to be important, in fact only 3.5 percent of German citizens actually donated blood.

The applicants are convinced that one reason for the unwillingness to donate blood is the lack of reimbursement for expenses. Real, but not commercial, incentives to donate blood are needed.

The MPs propose to create the legal framework in Section 10 of the Transfusion Act (TFG) so that blood donation facilities can, at their own discretion, pay out up to 50 euros for a blood donation or blood reserve and up to 70 euros for a blood plasma donation.

At the same time, framework conditions must be set so that blood and blood plasma donations cannot represent an additional, permanent source of income for donors and blood donation remains altruistic. Furthermore, the information and education of the population about blood/blood plasma donations should be significantly expanded.

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