Home » Giulia De Lellis suffering from a disease, it is a degenerative pathology: what it is and consequences

Giulia De Lellis suffering from a disease, it is a degenerative pathology: what it is and consequences

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Giulia De Lellis suffering from a disease, it is a degenerative pathology: what it is and consequences

Giulia De Lellis

Giulia De Lellis found out she had one illness degenerative. The pathology from which the influencer is affected is called Morton’s neuroma. It is a disorder that, on average, affects many people, especially women.

The girl realized she was suffering from this health problem as she began to have severe pain in her foot. Let’s see in detail what it is and what the consequences are.

Here is what is the disease from which Giulia De Lellis is affected

The disease Giulia De Lellis suffers from is called Morton’s neuroma. This disorder is caused by chronic microtraumas that inflame the digital nerves. They damage some nerve endings causing the thickening of the nerves. This, increasing in volume, crushes the part of the body affected by this disorder, causing severe pain and, in some cases, even the impossibility of movement.

The parts of the body that are usually affected by this problem are the feet. Specifically, the third and fourth toes are involved. The person with this disorder may experience pain in that part of the body both when the limb is active and when it is at rest. The sensation experienced, as well as pain, is also tingling and, in some cases, even loss of sensitivity.

What causes this pathology and possible remedies

According to what has emerged, therefore, Giulia De Lellis’s disease is a degenerative pathology of the plantar nerves. It is a disorder due, almost always, to the conformation of the foot. Especially those with hallux valgus, flat or hollow feet suffer from it. All these characteristics imply a bad support of the foot on the surface, inflaming the nerve endings.

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Even the use of heels could accentuate this problem, as they inevitably push all the weight on the front of the foot. With regard to treatments, in milder cases you can try cortisone infiltrations and the use of suitable orthotics that promote correct foot posture. In more problematic cases, physiotherapy or laser therapy can be used. While if the neuroma exceeds 4 or 5 millimeters, then it is necessary to resort to surgical removal. At the moment Giulia is at an initial stage, as she has recently become aware of the problem. All that remains is to wait to see which treatment she will have to do.

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