Home » Global Day 2023 (07/06/2023) – Vita.it

Global Day 2023 (07/06/2023) – Vita.it

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Global Day 2023 (07/06/2023) – Vita.it

In the year in which Aisla’s 40 years of associative life are celebrated, the month of June becomes the time to commemorate awareness and Global Day represents its most concrete expression. The world day on ALS, or “Global Day”, promoted by the international federation of patient associations, the International alliance of Als/Mnd associations of which Aisla is a part as an Italian member, is celebrated every 21 June since 1997.

«Let’s celebrate this day together with eyes of hope but also with awareness. They are two feelings that, together, can be regenerative. In fact, together they can focus on scientific research, a beacon for our work, and responses to the needs of our people, support, necessary to improve the quality of life of our community», said the president of Aisla Fulvia Massimelli. The program is full of events, from informative and scientific insights to local initiatives (here the list of local events, here the list of congressesWho initiative page).

ALS is a progressive disease that affects the motor neurons, leading to the progressive loss of the ability to move, speak and breathe. A highly complex healthcare disease that has a significant impact not only on the physical health, but also on the emotional, psychological and social health of patients and their families. Awareness therefore wants to be the light that breaks down the barriers to ignorance and misinformation about the disease. From this point of view, Aisla pays attention to the increasingly topical figure of the caregiver, the person who assists those who are no longer independent in daily life. The International Alliance of ALS/MND has asked all members of the world, including Aisla, to participate in the survey aimed at understanding the work that the community does for people with ALS and their caregivers. In all regions of Italy, numerous isolidarity initiatives that make use of the work of many volunteers, families and local realities, a symbol of solidarity, love and gratitude towards Life.

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The symbol of Global Day is the cornflower, a flower, as rare as any of us. The official hashtag of this day, #ALSMNDWithoutBorders, embodies the idea of ​​an ALS without borders. As a reminder that only by joining forces and working together can we think of a future without ALS.


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