Home » Grocery shopping, don’t be fooled by labels: this is the only way to keep your health and that of your loved ones safe

Grocery shopping, don’t be fooled by labels: this is the only way to keep your health and that of your loved ones safe

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Grocery shopping, don’t be fooled by labels: this is the only way to keep your health and that of your loved ones safe
How to shop more consciously.IFood.it

Are the products you buy at the supermarket really safe? Labels often mislead customers.

Conscious shopping has never been easier. When you go to supermarkets you are overwhelmed by a set of discounted aisles, foods and quantities of products, it makes it more difficult to choose and buy healthy food.

Whether it’s for meat, vegetables or fish, everything that is sold requires careful evaluation by the consumer. Regardless of the brand. Especially now that prices are skyrocketing, it is good to choose food based on a good quality-price.

And no, what is discounted or professed ‘organic’ is not always the best choice one can make to fill the shelves or the refrigerator of one’s homes. If the biological part requires a more complex explanation, for discounted goods, the quality factor is easier to verify.

The first step is to read the label carefully. Only by knowing the compositions of any product can one be aware of specific factors on the product. But beware, sometimes these can be deceiving. Here’s how to buy more consciously.

Quality, not quantity

Lately quantity is preferred over quality. It is also true that not everyone can afford to fill their trolley with fine meats or first choice products, but in any case, buying less – avoiding waste – in a conscious way is a choice that can change your lifestyle.

Also because colored slogans and convincing writings do not always represent and guarantee the quality of the food. And, according to a recent survey, six out of ten Italians rely precisely on advertisements seen on television, in magazines, etc. to choose foods. But to be honest, not even labels are so safe anymore.

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How to properly look at food labels
How to properly look at food labels.IFood.it

The importance of labels

The survey that was conducted reported that 12% of respondents do not pay attention to labels because they are too small, or due to lack of time. Instead, for proper nutrition, you should always take a look at the expiration date and composition of foods.

It may happen that some marketing campaigns, for the sale of certain products, base their sales ‘influence’ on keywords and concepts that can confuse consumers. Producers often emphasize the presence – or absence – of just one ingredient, avoiding mentioning the others, which may be less healthy.

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