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Gwyneth Paltrow and the Paleolithic Diet

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Gwyneth Paltrow and the cheats on the diet on vacation for pasta & Co: “I’ve never been so happy!”
Even the super healthly Gwyneth, at least when she’s on vacation, doesn’t count calories and allows herself more than an exception to the rule. And he does it without too much guilt despite the rest of the year on a diet. But what is the secret of Gwyneth Paltrow’s physical form?
Gwyneth Paltrow, two daughters and two husbands, appears to have an aging portrait in its place in the attic. At nearly 50, she shows a physical form that would be the envy of any 20-year-old. The actress has never hidden that she follows a diet that she herself defines as “clean”, clean, almost rigorous, based on natural foods, noble proteins, lots of fruit and vegetables. However, some of his statements suggest that, at least in recent weeks, calorie counting has been the least of his problems.

“This summer I was in Italy for a week and mine diet she went to get fried. I drank wine, ate pasta and cheese. But it was fantastic, I’ve never been so happy ”, On the table, on display, a sort of placeholder with the words“ f ** k your diet ”, whose meaning is unequivocal.
However, the Oscar winner, during the virtual meeting with the fans, did not miss the opportunity to dispense nutritional advice. “Even on vacation it is not difficult to maintain a clean eating routine. I always try to stick to the principles of diet I’m following, (Paleolithic) but if I’m away from home I’m not so rigid, that’s all. On vacation I want to have fun and some deviations from the rule are admitted without too many feelings of guilt “.
Currently the Shakespeare in Love actress is following the Paleolithic diet, a diet very rich in proteins, which completely excludes carbohydrates, except those contained in fruit and vegetables and which, from his point of view, would be useful to counteract some long-term symptoms of Covid-19, but in this regard there is no they are scientific evidence. “Lately I was eating rice, quinoa, lentils, chickpeas. I needed a radical change, also to decrease the levels of inflammation ”. The actress is keen to emphasize that, despite an apparent rigor, her diet is very tasty.
Paltrow, who has always had a penchant for functional medicine, which relies on stress-regulating mechanisms to stimulate the body and regain balance, admitted to alternating between Paleolithic diet with the intermittent fasting, which would help you to counteract the disorders related to the menstrual cycle.

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General rules of the Paleolithic diet
Following the Paleo diet is very simple, because there is no need to weigh food. The basic advice is to use common sense, then prepare normal portions, in which the achievement of the personal sense of satiety is important to continue to follow the weight loss regimen successfully.
There are 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), which can be seasoned with extra virgin olive oil or coconut butter, excluding salt. Yes to aromatic herbs to flavor foods.
One week menu of the Paleolithic diet
Monday – Breakfast: 2 very fresh eggs cooked in a pan with a knob of coconut butter
Lunch: a portion of wild salmon with sautéed zucchini and avocado
Dinner: asparagus soup with steamed mackerel fillets and extra virgin olive oil
Tuesday – Breakfast: Banana pancakes made by mixing a mashed banana and an egg, cooked in a pan with coconut butter
Lunch: Cesar salad prepared with lettuce, chicken, extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice
Dinner: Shrimp and rocket salad
Wednesday – Breakfast: a bowl of dried fruit and fresh fruit
Lunch: fennel salad with olives and seared tuna
Dinner: ‘Grass Fed’ fillet (grass farming) with seasonal grilled vegetables excluding tomatoes, aubergines and peppers
Thursday – Breakfast: a portion of raw ham with fruit salad
Lunch: omelette with mushrooms and seasonal vegetables to taste with the exception of tomatoes, aubergines and peppers
Dinner: chicken broth and seasonal grilled vegetables to taste with the exception of tomatoes, aubergines and peppers
Friday – Breakfast: a portion of salmon with avocado
Lunch: fillet of sea bream with pine nuts and apple accompanied by seasonal vegetables to taste with the exception of tomatoes, aubergines and peppers
Dinner: Venetian liver
Saturday – Breakfast: A glass of coconut milk and a Paleo muffin made with coconut flour, eggs and coconut butter
Lunch: Chicken skewers with grapes and bacon
Dinner: roast pork and apples with seasonal vegetables to taste with the exception of tomatoes, aubergines and peppers
Sunday – Breakfast: chestnut flour pancakes
Lunch: zucchini stuffed with minced meat
Dinner: tartare with hazelnuts and vegetables
the diet is by dr. Marinelli

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