Home » Headache and tingling in the hands and feet could indicate this particular disease

Headache and tingling in the hands and feet could indicate this particular disease

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The body is a very complex machine and it sends signals to us when something is wrong. Often, however, these signals are difficult to grasp and above all to interpret.

Headache is one of the most common and widespread ailments among the world population. Since its causes are so many and different, sometimes we don’t give it too much importance.

In fact, if this disorder occurs often and is accompanied by other symptoms, we should be careful. In fact, headaches and tingling in the hands and feet could indicate this particular disease.

Tingling in the feet and hands can be a rather annoying symptom. Despite this, we could hardly think of a disease that can somehow change our habits.

We have already seen how often some symptoms, actually very common, can turn out to be spies of something more serious. For example, we need to be careful because frequent headaches and dizziness could be symptoms of an extremely disabling disorder.

By continuing to read this article we will find out what ailment we are talking about and how to behave.

Headache and tingling in the hands and feet could indicate this particular disease

Celiac disease is a disease triggered by the immune system in reaction to gluten. Over time, inflammation of the small intestine can develop which hinders the absorption of some nutrients.

Gluten is a protein found in various grains. Among the most common are rye, barley, wheat, wheat and oats.

If we eat these foods, inflammation occurs which damages the small intestine. Obviously this inflammation has repercussions on our body. In fact, episodes such as diarrhea, cramps, weight loss and abdominal bloating could occur.

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It is clear that these symptoms just mentioned are easily attributable to intestinal problems. However, we cannot say the same for headaches and tingling in the hands and feet. Yet, the symptoms are different from person to person, and not all of them manifest the same.

Experts also record symptoms such as anemia, mouth ulcers, osteoporosis and muscle weakness.

How to behave

If we notice the presence of some of these symptoms it is good to contact your doctor. Unfortunately, celiac disease can be a very disabling disorder. If diagnosed, we can control its effects with a specific diet and live an almost normal life.

Our doctor should prescribe specific blood tests. If you have celiac disease, you may want to investigate with tests such as gastroscopy.

Finally, the doctor will indicate the foods to be avoided absolutely, such as bread, pasta and cereals. Furthermore, we will not be able to eat foods and drinks that contain traces of gluten such as yeast and beer.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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