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Here are 3 blood tests to worry about and that we never do even if they are important to check this vitamin and more

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Here are 3 blood tests to worry about and that we never do even if they are important to check this vitamin and more

During the summer, sun exposure is beneficial for the human body in several ways. The muscles relax, the stress decreases, the skin nourishes itself and we are often in a good mood.

But there is another underestimated benefit that exposure to sunlight brings us and concerns the vitamin D reserve. Even without exaggerating to avoid sunstroke or sunburn, being in the sun allows us to stock up on vitamin D in the summer. it will be used for the winter. The rays must be direct and unfiltered and must touch a portion of the skin, for example on the legs or arms.

Its many functions

The components that determine our state of health are so many that it seems impossible to check them all but here are 3 fundamental blood tests that should not be overlooked.

Vitamin D in our body plays a leading role because it stabilizes the levels of minerals that are needed to ensure the health of bones and teeth.

It helps the kidneys to absorb calcium and the intestines to manage phosphorus by ensuring the right presence of minerals in the bones.

Its action when it affects the tissues could be decisive for the immune system and the deficiency could be one of the contributing causes that lead to autoimmune diseases or neoplasms.

Diet alone cannot meet the human body’s need for vitamin D. Although the consumption of fish, red meats and egg yolks helps.

When vitamin D levels are low it is necessary to supplement them with the active form of vitamin D3. This should be taken with meals in order to improve its absorption.

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Here are 3 blood tests to worry about and that we never do even if they are important to check this vitamin and more

Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid that is found in our body in limited quantities. It is absorbed by the body thanks to vitamin B and folic acid which, if deficient, create an accumulation. Blood tests could prevent cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes related to this buildup.

Neurodegenerative diseases and those of the bones could also be related to a presence of homocysteine ​​that exceeds the permitted limits.

This can happen as a consequence of the lifestyle we lead or since our body is experiencing, for example, menopause in women.

The third test is that of interleukins. These are molecules produced following bacterial infections or necrosis due to tumor pathologies. They are essential for the stimulation of the cells of the immune system that must respond when the infection is created.

The amount of molecules produced during the immune response is important because overproduction could create fluid deposits that would clog the airways.

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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