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here is the trick to lose weight while walking

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When it comes to losing weight, in addition to diet, we must also pay attention to physical activity: here is the trick to lose weight while walking.

When we decide to lose weight, the first thought immediately goes to diet. Definitely be followed by one specialist is the first decisive step to take to lose weight in the correct way and above all so as not to risk taking back the lost kilos with interest.

Having said that the next step is to combine with a controlled dietary regimen of physical activity. However, not everyone is a great sportsman. And many people just don’t like the idea of ​​going to the gym.

Fonte: Canva

Obviously, combining an aerobic and toning activity would be the best choice, but if you really don’t want to make too much effort also walking can help you lose weight as long as you do it in a certain way. Here is revealed the makeup.

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Here is the trick to lose weight while walking

Make it a good habit to go to walking is certainly useful both for losing weight but also for spending time outdoors. And even if we go towards the winter, we can still find some days of good weather, perhaps when it does not rain to take a walk.

lose weight by walking
Fonte: Canva

Often it doesn’t take hours, it’s enough 40 minutes done well to achieve excellent results. Not only that, even from a mental point of view, walking is good, it serves to oxygenate the brain and allows it to regenerate.

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However, there is a trick that will allow you to lose weight while walking obtaining more effective results. Let’s find out together what it is.

To achieve greater results in terms of slimming we must vary the pace of walking by alternating fast and slow walking e according to some studies it is one of the most effective ways to lose weight.

In particular theHIIT workout, or at high intensity intervals, according to research published in Sports Medicine, it would allow to reduce the fat mass both on the abdomen and in the rest of the body, equally in men and women alike.

Everything is in fact in increase your heart rate and then let it go down. Therefore, alternate moments of high intensity with moments that are less intense and tiring. In particular, Tom Holland, American physiologist, coach and nutritionist, author of “The Micro-Workout Plan” explained how to proceed.

It starts with a warm up for 10 minutes at a slow pace. Then yes increase the intensity for 30 seconds going as fast as possible. So yes slow down again to recover.

The cycle must be repeated 9 times. After this workout you can walk another 10 minutes at a slow pace, so as to cool the body. To increase the intensity of the training even more, just choose to walk in a hilly area, then walk for 30 seconds uphill and then go back at a normal pace.

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Of course these are just tips and you shouldn’t rely on DIY, especially if there are health problems. In all cases it is always good to ask your doctor if and how much physical activity you can do before embarking on a motor activity.

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