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here’s how to purify them and lose weight with this fabulous soup

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here’s how to purify them and lose weight with this fabulous soup

It would be enough to follow a balanced diet to prevent many health problems: here is the recipe for a soup detox for the intestine.

Detox soup for intestines and liver (Pixabay)

You know that many pathologies arise from one poor nutrition? We must pay close attention to everything we integrate into our body, as it is from food that the body draws the nutrients necessary for its functioning. In the face of this, many nutritionists recommend a diet rich in fruit and vegetablesprecisely because of their vitamin richness.

Having shortcomings in this sense, in fact, it can lead to a series of consequences: for example, the lack of calcium leads to a greater risk of bone fractures; the lack of C vitamin leads to appear pale, with dry skin and hair. We then come to the most serious pathologies, in which vitamin deficiencies cause real impediments in facing small daily challenges. The power supply also, allows you to purify the body of waste and from toxic substances absorbed throughout the day. About this, in the next paragraph we will reveal to you the recipe for a soup detox perfect for intestines and liver.

Soup detox for intestines and liver: the easy recipe

To prepare a soup capable of deeply purifying the liver and intestines, we will use three basic ingredients: ginger, turmeric and Nori seaweed. Why are these elements so important? First of all, ginger is considered a powerful one antibacterial and anti-inflammatory and – with the help of turmeric – it has the ability to stimulate ours metabolism. They are also detoxifying and antioxidants. As for the Alga Nori, the latter boasts a significant amount of vitamin A and C. Now let’s see how to prepare the soup.

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Purify your intestines with the following recipe (Pixabay)
Purify your intestines with the following recipe (Pixabay)

The recipe is very simple: first of all, take a large pot and grease it with a drizzle of olive oil, then add a sliced ​​onion, ginger and half a tablespoon of curcuma. We fry everything with a spoonful of water. At this point, we add two carrots, 300ml of water and a good amount of chopped algae. Once you have reached the boiling state, that’s enough cook the mixture for 15 minutes. After the allotted time, you will have two alternatives: consume it immediately with some oat flakesor pour it into the mixer turning it into a delicious one velvety. Whatever your choice, you will feel like new.

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