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How to fall back asleep after night awakenings (and sleep better)

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How to fall back asleep after night awakenings (and sleep better)

The first thing to do to sleep well is to prepare the brain and body for sleep, but what if you wake up? Here’s how to fall asleep again

How to fall asleep again at night if we are woken up by a nightmare, by too many thoughts accumulated during the day or by who knows what else?

The first fundamental point is obviously learning to sleep better. And to do this, there are many small tricks that can make the difference: turn off all electronic devices, make the bedroom cool, quiet and welcoming, eliminate distractions, such as the TV, PC or cell phone, which, with their blue light, do not allow deep relaxation.

And, again, it’s important to have a pre-sleep routine that encourages the brain to relax, let go and fall asleep: relaxing baths, reading, herbal tea or tea are all practices that help relax and promote sleep.

At the end of all that, close your eyes and start counting sheep.

But what if you wake up anyway?

How to fall asleep again at night with mindfulness breathing tricks

(Continued under the photo)

relaxing bath

Why try mindfulness for sleep

Mindfulness helps to get out of stress, worries and rumination.

It is a specific meditation practice that serves, not only to face complicated stages of life, but at all times, to look at the world objectively.

In fact, if you can’t sleep, it’s precisely because your head is full of thoughts that arouse anxiety and agitation. In this case, you need to focus on your breath, as mindfluness teaches you, so as not to feed your thoughts anymore and to stop brooding

mindfulness modellino

For those who find it difficult to fall asleep

One must mentally identify areas of tension in the body and, inhaling and exhaling, concentrate on them, trying to release them.

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At this point one must begin to slow down the rhythm of breathing, to make it become slower and deeper.

Thus the mind is freed from all thoughts, as calm spreads.

You start counting slowly from one to ten, relaxing more and more after each number, until you fall into a state of deep relaxation and slowly slip into the arms of Morpheus.

nostrils sleep

For those who wake up during the night

If, unfortunately, you tend to wake up in the middle of the night, still half asleep, you need to start focusing on your breathing.

Feeling the weight of the body and of the blankets that wrap it ever lighter.

Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and inhale slowly through the left nostril. Then hold your breath, closing both nostrils, release the right nostril and exhale slowly. Do the same thing with the left nostril. Repeat the exercise until sleep finally takes over.

breathe copy

How to fall asleep again after a bad dream or nightmare

We need to bring the body back to a state of physiological, physical, mental and emotional balance. This is done by inducing cardiac coherence, a technique that creates harmony between the heart and the brain, so that the rhythm of the heart evokes positive emotions.

This happens through breathing 365. With a regular and slow rhythm, one counts up to 3 during inspiration and up to 6 during exhalation. Go on like this for 5 minutes. That’s why the name 365.

I believe in naps

The best sleep apps

Mo helps to relax before going to sleep, reconciling sleep. You can choose from more than 200 courses to meditate and reduce stress. The first lessons last 4 minutes then they become longer for more expert users.

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Petit BamBoo is a mindfulness meditation app that ranges from 3 to 20 minutes, so as to allow everyone to follow the sessions that best meet their needs.

Better Sleep plays white noise and soothing sounds, There are over 200 sleep-inducing sounds and melodies.

Sleep Tracker it is used to monitor sleep. Thanks to this application it is possible to fall asleep easier and faster, with relaxing music, track the sleep cycle and set an intelligent alarm that sounds during the light sleep phase

Finally there is Noises for Sleepingthe skill of Alexa which asks which sound track you want to listen to: from the rustling of the wind to the raindrops falling on tropical leaves (on amazon.it)

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