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How to increase muscle mass at age 50, promote good joint functioning and slow aging

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The term sarcopenia means a significant loss of muscle mass caused not only by some pathologies, but also by the natural aging of our organism.
After the age of 50, muscle mass decreases by 1-2 percent, and people aged 60-70 find themselves with very noticeable loss of muscle mass.

The consequences of sarcopenia affect daily activities which are becoming increasingly tiring.

Until a few years ago, doctors and scholars claimed that age-related loss of muscle mass was inevitable. Fortunately, today it is believed that it can be “fought” and slowed down with adequate physical activity and a good diet.
In this article, we explain how to increase muscle mass at age 50, promote good joint functioning and slow down aging.
After the age of 50, to stay fit and healthy, you need to follow some steps. Which ones are they? Increase muscle mass, stop water loss and increase fat mass.

How to increase muscle mass at age 50, promote good joint functioning and slow aging. The right physical training

At 50, physical activity should not be neglected. The body at this age is no longer that of 18 so it is important not to stress it and to carry out the right training.
IS It is important to avoid heavy loads and carry out three workouts a week, which allow you to burn fat, create lean mass, harmony and beauty.

How to stop dehydration

Since the percentage of water in our body tends to decrease with the passage of time, it is necessary to drink more and especially when exercising. This will prevent you from appearing with dried and dehydrated skin.

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How to slow down the loss of muscle mass

Experts advise that to avoid losing muscle mass it is important to carry out a workout that involves the use of small loads, or to perform free body exercises.
These workouts don’t have to be too intense and stressful, otherwise you run the risk of having the opposite effect.

How to reduce fat mass

Over time our metabolism changes, we get fat easily, and the higher the fat mass index, the more we get fat.
Hence the importance of the snack to be made during the day between the main meals.

Harmony and beauty of the body

It is also necessary to work on the elasticity and mobility of the body by performing disciplines such as: dance, yoga, pilates and girotonic.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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