Home » How to reduce hunger before meals: a simple habit to adopt that helps you lose weight

How to reduce hunger before meals: a simple habit to adopt that helps you lose weight

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How to reduce hunger before meals: a simple habit to adopt that helps you lose weight

Losing weight is never easy, hardly anyone likes diets. Here’s a habit to reduce the sense of hunger before meals

Feeling good about yourself is key, regardless of your weight. But it is also true that being healthy means taking care of ourselves, of our body and of the organism. Diet is often seen as a sacrifice, when in reality it should be understood as a healthy lifestyle. Eating well, not a little, is the basic concept. Here’s a simple one habit that can help us reduce the sense of hunger before meals: could help us lose weight, if we decided to get back in shape.

There are many who, with the arrival of summer, have decided to get back on track and lose a few pounds. Obviously, the diet must be established by an expert who, based on our needs and characteristics, will decide what we need in terms of nutrients. A little trickHowever, it can be useful to keep the peckish that often occurs under control.

The simple habit that can help reduce hunger: do it before meals

Everyone has happened to follow a diet and realize that they feel a certain appetite, a little hungry, between one meal and another. In addition to indulging in some healthy snacks, choosing suitable foods, there’s a trick we can find and that it will help us avoid diving headlong on any food.

The trick that helps us reduce the sense of hunger (tantasalute.it)

To explain it would have been Olivier Courtin-Clarins, doctor of the Clarins group. And it wouldn’t be about anything complicated or particular, no unattainable secrets, but a simple habit that everyone can adopt to help each other out when it comes to dieting and losing weight.

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We are talking about a simple glass of water, full, to sip at least twenty minutes before sitting down at the table for breakfast, lunch or dinner. This “gesture” would allow us to feel full sooner and longer, avoiding exaggeration when eating.

At the basis of this advice there would be studies that would have shown that those who have the habit of drinking water before lunch or dinner, in short, before each meal, would be able to lose more weight during the diet compared to those who, on the other hand, do not.

Apparently, even an infusion, herbal tea or simple broth would have the same effect as water. The important thing is to remember to sip at a certain distance from the meal and not to exaggerate during it. Experts such as Laura Parada of Slow Life House and Elisa Blázquez, nutritionist, in fact confirm that too much water while we eat could slow down digestion and make us feel very swollen.

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