Home » «I will not passively accept this decision» La Nuova Sardegna

«I will not passively accept this decision» La Nuova Sardegna

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«I will not passively accept this decision» La Nuova Sardegna

CAGLIARI – Alessandra Todde, President of Sardinia, has taken a stand against the government’s cuts to the Pnrr’s healthcare funds. In a passionate post on Facebook, Todde expressed her concern over the drastic reduction of almost 1.2 billion euros from the Pnrr, particularly in relation to works for the seismic safety of hospital structures. She emphasized that this decision not only represents a budget cut but is a direct attack on the health of Sardinian citizens and all of Italy.

Todde highlighted the urgent need for increased healthcare funding in Italy, stating that the country already spends significantly less in relation to GDP compared to France and Germany. She emphasized that the current cuts not only compromise the present healthcare system but also jeopardize its future, especially at a time when strengthening it is crucial.

Furthermore, Todde pointed out the State Accounting Department’s call to make pre-arranged resources unavailable when new tariffs come into force, which would impact essential public health services. At the recent Conference of the Regions, Todde and other regional leaders urged the government to reverse the funding cuts or provide alternative solutions, threatening to take the matter to the Constitutional Court if necessary.

Todde concluded by demanding that the government prioritize citizens’ health and reconsider its decision. She vowed to fight against the cuts and ensure that the voices of Sardinians are heard in this crucial matter. The future of Italy’s healthcare system and the well-being of its citizens are at stake, and Todde is determined to protect them at all costs.

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