Home » If we pee too often or we feel fatigued, do not underestimate it because it could be the sign of this silent pathology.

If we pee too often or we feel fatigued, do not underestimate it because it could be the sign of this silent pathology.

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If we pee too often or we feel fatigued, do not underestimate it because it could be the sign of this silent pathology.

There are certainly several signals that our body sends us and that we should not take lightly. In fact, some symptoms that sometimes manifest themselves, even unexpectedly, could represent important signs. We could speak of totally superficial problems that can be solved in a very short time, of course. But other times we could also collide with more serious pathologies. For this reason, having a broad picture of different symptoms can certainly be useful.

Hypercalcemia, let’s focus on this pathology specifically and on the causes from which it should derive as well as on the consequent symptoms

Today we analyze in more detail a specific condition, which is that of hypercalcemia. This situation indicates, as can be partly deduced from the name, an excessive presence of calcium in our blood. The reasons why we find ourselves in this situation, however, can be various and different from each other. For example, it could be due to excessive consumption of vitamin D or calcium-based supplements, as many would immediately think. Dehydration could also be found among the reasons. Or, some tumors or diseases that form granulomas could be involved. Finally, let’s not forget some drugs, which could be responsible for the onset of hypercalcemia.

If we pee too often or we feel fatigued, do not underestimate it because it could be the sign of this silent pathology.

There are several signs to be aware of when we talk about hypercalcemia. And, of course, even all the symptoms we are going to list do not necessarily indicate the presence of this problem. In fact, they could be linked to a number of other, even milder, pathologies. However, as Humanitas explains, when faced with hypercalcemia, there are common signs that usually show themselves. Among these, we find a sense of nausea and frequent vomiting episodes. But also a constant need to drink, as if we were always thirsty, and severe muscle weakness, accompanied by inexplicable pain. Sleepiness is also among the signs, such as confusion. And even if we pee too often or if we feel fatigued, we may start thinking about hypercalcemia.

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Obviously, the signals listed above, as already underlined above, do not in any way indicate their certain presence. To understand what is happening, rather, there is only one thing to do. We should discuss with our trusted doctor, indicating all the symptoms we have encountered. An expert, who knows our health situation and our specific case, will certainly be able to give us safe and concrete answers.

Recommended reading

By observing the pee we could understand if this silent and rare tumor is making its way

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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