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If you eat these things you will get reflux – here’s what to avoid

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If you eat these things you will get reflux – here’s what to avoid

Gastroesophageal reflux disease occurs when gastric juices come into contact with the wall of the esophagus, causing burning behind the breastbone and acid regurgitation.

The movement of acid from the stomach to the esophagus occurs physiologically throughout the day, mainly after eating. It manifests itself with so-called “typical” symptoms such as retrosternal burning or with “atypical” symptoms.

Occasional stinging is usually managed with some lifestyle corrections, and treated with over-the-counter medications. When the disturbance becomes daily, it can affect quality of life entirely. In 30-35% of cases, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is complicated by abrasions in the esophagus (esophagitis), ulcers or narrowings (3-5%), while in most cases no deterioration is identified.

It is a pathology that is caused by various factors, such as dietary, anatomical, functional, hormonal and pharmacological ones. The intensity of the lower esophageal sphincter represents a pressure barrier against reflux and is the most significant component of the anti-reflux mechanism.

When the pressure in the area decreases, such as during the passage of water or food, acidic and non-acidic material rises from the stomach to the esophagus.

If you eat these things you will get reflux – here’s what to avoid

Among the foods to be avoided absolutely for those suffering from gastroesophageal reflux are sauces and especially foods full of fats such as: fried, fatty red meats, fatty cheeses or too much oil. These, in fact, persist in the stomach for a long time (because they require a long time for digestion), stimulate a large production of gastric juices (again for reasons related to digestion) and, finally, reduce the muscular tone of the cardia.

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The list of foods to avoid in the presence of gastroesophageal reflux disease includes: drinks based on, chocolate, mint, raw tomatoes, spirits, carbonated drinks and spices such as pepper, chilli, curry and nutmeg .
Conversely, we recommend consuming lean and protein-rich foods such as white meat, eggs. Fish is also good for you because, unlike fatty foods, they are easier to digest. In addition, they also involve less production of gastric juices and increase the muscular intensity of the cardia.

Finally, we recommend fresh vegetables, due to their reduced fat and sugar content, whose digestion requires a considerable production of gastric juices.

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