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Innovative Non-Invasive Technique Shows Promise in Treating Swollen Legs and Improving Quality of Life

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Innovative Non-Invasive Technique Shows Promise in Treating Swollen Legs and Improving Quality of Life

Swollen Legs: New Non-Invasive Technique Shows Promising Results

Swollen legs, a common yet neglected problem, can now be effectively treated using a non-invasive technique developed in Italy. A study presented at the XX World Phlebology Congress UIP2023 in Miami reveals that a treatment called “Endosphères Compressive Microvibration” has shown significant improvements in reducing the symptoms of lipolymphedema, a progressive and painful volumetric increase in the thigh and leg.

Lipolymphedema affects around 1 in 10 women in Italy, causing a disproportionate accumulation of adipose tissue in the lower limbs known as lipoedema. Often mistaken for cellulite or being overweight, this condition can severely impact patients’ quality of life, making even simple daily activities challenging.

The innovative treatment involves sending particular vibrations to the leg tissues using rotating silicone microspheres. Researchers from the University of Urbino’s Institute of Physiotherapy have been providing the therapy as a public facility, with positive outcomes. After just two treatment sessions per week for a month and a half, patients reported a significant reduction in pain (46%), peripheral edema (5%), and body mass index (4%).

Professor Pier Antonio Bacci, a specialist in Aesthetic Pathologies, emphasizes the prevalence of lipolymphedema in Italy and the importance of early diagnosis. He explains, “Lipolymphedema is a very widespread disease and in Italy it affects up to 10% of women of all age groups. It first manifests itself as cellulite, often associated with lymphedema, which is a stagnation of lymph in the skin tissues.”

The hope of experts is to make the “Endosphères Compressive Microvibration” treatment a public and reimbursable method, ensuring accessibility for all patients in need. By combining this non-invasive technique with the right lifestyle choices, early diagnosis, and subsequent preventive treatments, the burden of swollen legs caused by lipolymphedema can be greatly reduced.

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The research presented at the congress highlights the potential benefits of this innovative approach and provides hope for individuals seeking relief from the symptoms of lipolymphedema. With further advancements in medical technology and continued studies, it is possible that more effective treatments will emerge, improving the lives of those affected by this often overlooked condition.

To read the full article, visit ANSA.it.

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