Home » Isolation and fourth dose for over 60s, Italy’s plan against the new Covid-19 wave

Isolation and fourth dose for over 60s, Italy’s plan against the new Covid-19 wave

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Isolation and fourth dose for over 60s, Italy’s plan against the new Covid-19 wave

The latest report from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità confirms it: we are in the midst of a new wave of Coronavirus infections. But nevertheless the obligation of isolation remains for the positives, no new restrictions appear to be on the horizon. At least, not for everyone. Although infections of this stage seem more manageable and manageable, now the goal is to raise the defenses of the most fragile subjects and the elderly. The numbers show that the virus is 7 times more lethal in unvaccinated subjects than in those who received the full / booster dose. Therefore, the vaccination campaign will be relaunched to convince 78% of over 80s who have not received the second booster, and extend the fourth dose to all over 60s and the frail of all ages. We expect a circular from the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza as early as tomorrow, and the start of the administration starting from Tuesday. In the last week the rate of administration was 21 thousand doses per day. A substantial majority of the over 80s (78% of the total) are postponing, despite the fact that they have long since been denying the possibility of receiving the fourth dose.

Discordant opinions from virologists

The Omicron variant is reconfirmed as the one with the highest ability to reinfect. In about a year, from August 24, 2021 as of July 6, 2022, they have been reported 659.578 cases of reinfection, and in the last week their percentage of the total reported cases has risen to 10,8%. In intensive care, however, the situation is radically different from the early stages of the pandemic: to date, 80% of patients are hospitalized for other diseases. The scientific community appears split with respect to how to deal with the situation, as the Corriere della Sera of today. Among those who argue that it is appropriate to let the contagion run, there are for example Matteo Bassetti, Andrea Crisanti and Roberto Burioni. «It is now a virus that can be faced, managed, cured – assures the infectious specialist Bassetti – we have to get used to this swing of infections. We will never reach zero cases ». The virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco has a different opinion, according to whom “Protecting the fragile is not enough”. Echoes the consultant of the Minister of Health Walter Ricciardi: “The circulation of the virus must be managed and regulated.” The president of the Superior Health Council Franco Locatelli is even more decisive: «No intention of letting the virus go free. In this epidemiological situation it does not even seem appropriate to hypothesize it “.

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