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It lowers cholesterol and reduces aging: this is the vegetable that should not be missing from the table

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It lowers cholesterol and reduces aging: this is the vegetable that should not be missing from the table

The Thistle: The Vegetable You Should Never Miss on Your Table

If youā€™re looking to get back into shape after indulging in holiday excesses, then stocking up on fruits and vegetables is essential. However, there is one vegetable in particular that should never be missing from your daily menu, and that is the thistle.

The thistle, also known as Cynara cardunculus or wild artichoke, belongs to the same family as the artichoke and is packed with nutritional properties that bring numerous health benefits. This vegetable is not only good for your health but also tasty, making it a must-have on your table.

With just 17 calories per 100 grams, thistles are low in calories but high in fiber, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus, B vitamins, and vitamin C. These properties allow the thistle to purify the liver, promote digestion, stabilize blood sugar, and promote the lowering of cholesterol. In addition, it also helps kidney health by reducing azotemia and uricemia, and acts as a diuretic to expel excess fluids.

The thistle is not just good for your internal health, it also promotes bone health and is rich in antioxidants, making it an excellent vegetable that fights the aging of cells. However, individuals with gastrointestinal diseases should consult a doctor before consuming thistles, as they could cause side effects.

In conclusion, the thistle is a nutritional powerhouse that should never be missing from your table. Whether youā€™re looking to improve your overall health, promote digestion, or lower cholesterol, this vegetable is a versatile and beneficial addition to your diet.

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