Home » King Charles lost his sense of taste during chemotherapy for cancer: what is dysgeusia

King Charles lost his sense of taste during chemotherapy for cancer: what is dysgeusia

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King Charles lost his sense of taste during chemotherapy for cancer: what is dysgeusia

During an event held at the Army Aviation Center in Middle Wallop, King Charles III spoke about his chemotherapy with veteran Aaron Mapplebeck. Here he explained that the chemotherapy cycle he underwent caused the loss of taste as a side effect. In February Buckingham Palace explained that the sovereign began treatment after a cancer diagnosis.

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The British royal family is maintaining almost complete confidentiality about clinical conditions of its exponents. In February Buckingham Palace revealed that Re Carlo III And being treated for cancera discovery that came after a prostate problem. Just a month later, in a video filmed by the BBC, Kate Middleton he explained that he had started a cycle of chemotherapy for a tumor found during abdominal surgery.

After these revelations, it seems that the royal family has applied a old adage attributed to Queen Elizabeth II: “Never complain, never explain”. The royals have no longer spoken about their health conditions, at least until today Re Carlo III wanted to share an aspect of his illness with the British Army veteran Aaron Mapplebeck.

What King Charles said about chemotherapy

During an event organized atArmy Aviation Center of Middle Wallop, Charles spoke with the Army veteran Aaron Mapplebeck. The man had said he had lost the sense of taste during a nine-week course of chemotherapy needed for testicular cancer. At this point King Charles replied that he had too the same side effects during his chemotherapy. The news was reported by several British newspapers, including The Independent e The Mirror.

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Dysgeusia: a symptom of chemotherapy

The dysgeusia it is the exact name that identifies the loss of taste. It is a symptom that can be associated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, two treatments that can be used in cancer treatment. However, in the reference articles on this topic we read that there is not yet much data on these symptoms. To learn more, we leave you a paper published on Cureus: Journal of Medical Science it’s a Italian research published by the University of Verona.

In both cases the thesis is the same. Taste alterations have been recorded on several occasions in patients undergoing chemotherapy. It is not a simple side effect: the risk is in fact that dysgeusia leads to malnutrition compromising even more the clinical case of a patient who is already undergoing a treatment process.

In the thesis Taste alterations in cancer patients, the researcher from the University of Verona Silvia Gonella writes: “Dysgeusia is underestimated despite being widely spread, especially in the cancer population. The false belief that these disorders are not treatable is probably still rooted and therefore very often they are not even reported.”

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