Home » Let’s fight heat stroke quickly with these 3 amazing grandma’s remedies

Let’s fight heat stroke quickly with these 3 amazing grandma’s remedies

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Summer arrives and with it the great heat. Long, warm, and sunny days, however, can lead us to feel sick if we’re not careful. In fact, heatstroke is always around the corner.

Generally to prevent them it is sufficient to preferably wear light-colored clothes, drink a lot, avoid dressing excessively and go out during the hottest hours.

What perhaps not everyone knows is that Nature offers us valid remedies to counteract the symptoms of heat stroke.

Let’s fight heat stroke quickly with these 3 amazing grandmother’s remedies: let’s discover them together.

How is heatstroke recognized?

Heatstroke is a condition that occurs when the body temperature rises rapidly to as high as 40 degrees. This can happen during a very intense sunny day if we don’t take precautions. Typically, a heatstroke is manifested by a feeling of weakness, dizziness, redness of the skin, headache, severe nausea and rapid heartbeat. If not recognized and treated promptly it can be very dangerous. Let’s see together how to counter them.

Let’s fight heat stroke quickly with these 3 amazing grandma’s remedies

To counteract the previously listed effects of a heatstroke, chewing crystallized honey is helpful. Alternatively, we can put a small amount of it in gauze and keep it in the mouth as it used to be with tobacco. This remedy is useful because honey allows you to naturally lower the temperature of the body.

Barley is another effective food for heatstroke. We need to boil 3 tablespoons of barley in a liter of water. After letting it cool, we drink a cup every hour to restore body temperature and recover energy. Alternatively, to recover the lost mineral salts, we can drink a regenerating drink. Prepare it by adding the juice of two lemons, a pinch of salt and one of bicarbonate to a liter of water.

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The most used and known grandmother’s remedy is undoubtedly that of cold water compresses. These will serve to lower the body temperature if applied in specific areas. The most suitable points are the neck, armpits, groin, wrists and ankles.


It is really incredible but according to science to have a fabulous body it will be enough to do these 3 exercises which are equivalent to 100 abdominals.

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