Home » Let’s pay attention to these 7 bad habits that cause dark circles and puffiness

Let’s pay attention to these 7 bad habits that cause dark circles and puffiness

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The feeling of fatigue and swelling in the eye area is due to fatigue, stress and also genetic factors. We can use various types of cosmetic treatments but the real root of the problem is another. We continue with the external remedies such as the famous fresh cucumber slices but we study the true origin of this ailment.

Let’s pay attention to these 7 bad habits that cause dark circles and puffiness

Unfortunately, we always return to the same point, namely the fact that a balanced diet will save us a whole series of hassles. One of these is precisely the swelling under the eyes. A bad habit seems to be the excessive use of salt in the diet. Salt creates fluid retention in the body and this causes bags under the eyes. Furthermore, according to the American research association “Heart Attack and Stroke Symptoms” it is dangerous for the heart and circulation. It is therefore recommended to take a maximum of 2.3 mg of salt per day.

Not drinking enough water is a second harmful habit. The body reacts with dry mouth and fluid buildup around the eyes. Not getting enough sleep is an obvious cause of tired, swollen eyes. These become fatigued and by staying open cause dryness and swell. Respecting our biorhythm and having a regularity between the hours of sleep and wakefulness is essential for our health.

One last look at the remaining habits that cause puffy eyes

It is important to remove make-up, especially from the eyes, before going to bed. This is to avoid that small parts of make-up can irritate the inside of the eye.

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Another problem is the consumption of alcohol which is deleterious as it affects the proper functioning of the liver and kidneys. These organs get tired and cannot eliminate all these excess toxic substances and here is the dark circles that appear. The blackish-green color under the eyes is a symptom of a malfunction of the adrenal glands and liver.

Let’s pay attention to these 7 bad habits that cause dark circles and puffiness and above all to tobacco and smoking. These cause premature aging of the skin as well as various respiratory and circulatory problems. Prolonged and unprotected exposure to sunlight also puts stress on the skin of the face and causes dehydration.

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