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Losing weight has never been easier for those who follow these 3 tricks to eat less plus advice

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Losing weight has never been easier for those who follow these 3 tricks to eat less plus advice

With the approach of summer comes the anxiety to get back in shape. Because, as we know, during the winter we tend to accumulate extra kilos. After Easter too, in which one is led to overeating, the desire to get back into shape begins because the costume test is upon us. Many are inclined to start drastic diets which, in most cases, involve the total elimination of carbohydrates and sugars. But it is good to know that when results are achieved quickly they are not long-term. But losing weight has never been easier if you follow the right advice not only on food but also on behavior.

The limitations of crash diets are reflected in the results

A strict and drastic diet gives immediate results, but some clarifications need to be made. If you follow a diet free of carbohydrates and sugars, for example, you will tend to tire quickly. The body needs balance and for this reason there must be no lack of food. Although it is necessary to reduce the portions. We also dispel the myth that after 40 it is more difficult to lose weight. You lose weight at any age, you just need to identify the right diet.

Losing weight has never been easier for those who follow these 3 tricks to eat less plus advice

The advice is always to get assistance in weight loss from a nutritionist or dietician. But there are 4 tricks you can put into practice when starting your new diet. To be able to eat less and not to fall into temptation that would nullify the efforts that are:

  • if you are always hungry it is certainly harder to carry on a diet. Precisely for this reason it is always better to occupy your time with important things to do. This way you will be distracted when you don’t have to eat and the urge will pass quickly. Going out for a walk, pursuing your hobby or practicing physical activity could be winning ideas;
  • if, on the other hand, the bad habit is to always nibble on something, the solution could be to not buy prohibited “foods”. But if you really can’t help but have cookies and snacks at home, the trick is to place them on the top shelf of the pantry. On the one hand, therefore, they will be less visible, on the other less accessible. This way you will quickly lose interest;
  • as we said at the beginning to lose weight you need to eat well but also less. If you are unable to reduce portions, it is best to buy smaller plates. This way you will feel like you are eating the same amount of food and will feel fuller.
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And finally a little advice

Diet doesn’t have to be a period of absolute renunciation. If you have a craving for a particular food, it is always better to eat some to get rid of the desire rather than deprive yourself of it. If the desire is for chocolate, for example, it is better to take a square and savor it for a long time and to the end. In this way, you will not be left with an unsatisfied desire and will be able to move forward on your path.


Here is the leanest spreadable cheese suitable for eating on a diet and with the perfect high cholesterol for not gaining weight

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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