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Lower the pressure: do it yourself methods

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Hypertension may have no symptoms. But the risk of serious pathologies increases, such as cerebral stroke, heart attack, kidney failure: for this reason it must be kept under control. And all necessary countermeasures must be taken. Here are some tips on how to lower the pressure in case of need with do-it-yourself methods.

As you probably already know, in the first place the high pressure must be fought reducing salt. Not only should you decrease the amount added in cooking, but above all pay attention to foods that contain a lot of it. Which are often not so immediately identifiable. For example 100 grams of raw ham contain 5 grams of salt, but the pane it can contain from 1 to 5 grams.

Remedies for hypertension

Nutrition and daily habits

It is necessary to limit also the consumption of Red meat, cured meat, cheeses e saturated fats, such as butter and margarine. It is advisable to privilege the unsaturated fats (olive oil), fish, legumes and especially fruit e vegetables. Also avoid chocolate, fizzy drinks, and alcohol.

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Also try to say no to cigarettes. The smoke is a notable factor of cardiovascular risk and the nicotine acts like vase-constrictor that is, tightening the veins and then increasing the pressure.

The importance of sport

Practice aadequate physical activity to your state of health, several times a week, preferring aerobic activities moderate such as brisk walking, swimming, or gymnastics. They have a short-term hypotensive effect. In particular, after performing an aerobic exercise of 30-40 minutes, the pressure remains lower for about 13 hours. But sport will also help you to lose excess weight, which contributes significantly tohypertension.

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Devi check the pressure several times a day, keeping a diary showing the date and time of the measurement, the medications you take, the particular situations, the symptoms. This way the doctor will be able to to check that the therapy works. Then it will be enough to do it twice a day, as soon as you wake up in the morning and in the evening before going to sleep.

The “do it yourself” tools


Is called mercury sphygmomanometer the tool for measure your blood pressure. It is a device that requires expertise. For self-measurement they are better suited automatic digital tools (in the pharmacy) practical and easy to use. What is measured when blood pressure is tested? The force with which blood flows into the arteries. The “maximum”Or systolic corresponds to the moment in which the heart contracts and pumps blood into the vessels. The “minima”Or diastolic the moment in which it dilates.

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Assess your health

Below are the blood pressure values ​​with relative danger.

OPTIMAL -> not higher than 120/80 mmHg

ACCEPTABLE -> fino a 130 / 85 mmHg

Mild HYPERTENSION -> between 140 and 159/90 and 99 mmHg

MODERATE HYPERTENSION -> between 160 and 179/100 and 109 mmHg

SEVERE HYPERTENSION -> superiore a 180 / 110 mmHg

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