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makes you lose up to 24 kg of weight

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makes you lose up to 24 kg of weight

There is an amazing anti diabetes drug that is capable of reducing body weight by 24 kg. This is Tirzepatide, a diabetes drug.

The drug in question is capable of reducing up to 22.5% of the body weight of subjects who participated in the medical study.

The US pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly, already at the end of April 2022, had announced that it had found a drug whose preliminary results were really encouraging for people with type 2 diabetes.

The drug in question has an anti-obesity efficacy and, according to the data that emerged, is capable of break down blood sugar after pasti.

The medicine in question, called Tirzepatide, has been shown to be capable of lose up to 24 kg in subjects who participated in the clinical study. It is about over 20% of body weight.

The result is truly surprising, especially considering that its initial function was quite different.

Currently the drug is peer-reviewed, complete with the publication of the data obtained in an authoritative scientific journal. The information reported confirms the effectiveness of the drug against excess pounds.

Amazing anti diabetes drug: the study

The incredible anti-diabetes drug that would allow people with type 2 diabetes to lose up to 20% of their body weight, is the fruit of one study conducted by a team of international researchers.

American scientists from the Endocrinology and Metabolism Section of Yale University School of Medicine worked in collaboration with colleagues from the Comprehensive Weight Control Center.

The incredible study conducted by scientists led to the determination of the effectiveness of the drug which required three phases of study, in which 2,500 overweight people participated.

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Effects on body weight

The volunteers who took part in the project all had a body mass index of at least 27. 95% of the participants had a BMI over 30.

Il average weight of the volunteers was 104.8 kg, however none of them had diabetes but had other medical conditions.

The participants were divided into 4 groups: 3 groups received an increasing dosage of the drug (5, 10 e 15 mg) and a placebo group.

The medicine was given by injection given once a week for approximately 72 weeks, for a total period of one and a half years.

When the follow up periodthe researchers were able to analyze the weight loss of volunteers.

The data reported by the researchers found a average weight reduction of 15% in patients given the 5 mg dose. Those who had received the 10 mg dose suffered a weight loss of 19.5%. In the end, patients treated with the highest dosageor 15 mg, registered a weight loss of 20.9%.

As for the fourth group, that is the one treated with placebo, the weight loss was just 3.1%, which corresponds to about a couple of kilos.

The results obtained, for the group of volunteers treated with the highest dosage, are quite similar to what is normally obtained with bariatric surgerywithin 1/2 years from the intervention.

How does the weight loss drug work?

Thyrzepatide is the drug that would allow the patients with type 2 diabetes lose up to 24 kg of weight. However, it takes about a year and a half.

The medicine in question is a glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide as well as a peptide-1 receptor agonist.

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In summary, the drug is nothing more than a mix of synthetic hormones which are meant to mimic the same functions as real hormones that are commonly released after meals.

Lo purpose of the medicine is to bring down blood sugar after meals and regulate the metabolic processes triggered by digestion.

The slimming effect was not the main objective of the researchers, we could define it as a side effect which, however, surprised a lot.

In fact, it would be the first slimming drug which allows to obtain an average weight loss of more than 20%.

Obviously there is no shortage of adverse reactions, such as minor consequences for the gastrointestinal system.

The data reported by this research have been published in the prestigious scientific journal of New England Journal of medicine.

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