Home » Many do this but this common mistake in washing and drying clothes can lead to the creation of molds that are problematic for health.

Many do this but this common mistake in washing and drying clothes can lead to the creation of molds that are problematic for health.

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In winter, drying clothes becomes a problem especially for those who do not have a dryer or an outdoor space in which to put the drying rack. The only solution therefore remains to use closed spaces, perhaps a room left unused. In the long run, however, this habit, especially if carried on without criteria, could lead to problems of air circulation. So let’s see what are the mistakes to avoid. For example, so many do this, but this common mistake in washing and drying clothes can lead to the creation of health-threatening molds. Let’s see together what it is and how we can do to avoid it.

The problems that mold can cause in our lungs

First let’s see what are the risks that the formation of mold can involve for our well-being. According to the Ministry of Health, these can lead to respiratory problems especially in the elderly and children. Among the most common repercussions, asthma or persistent nocturnal and daytime cough. However, continuing to live in an unhealthy environment could lead to much more serious symptoms. To prevent this kind of problems it is therefore important to change the air often and try to prevent the formation of humidity as much as possible. To preserve our safety and that of our loved ones, here’s how we could air the house in winter according to science to have healthy environments and prevent mold and disease. In fact, few think about it but this little foresight could prevent lung cancer.

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Many do this, but this common mistake in washing and drying clothes can lead to the creation of health-problematic molds.

But then we come to one of the most common mistakes regarding the drying of clothes. Some people, in fact, to speed up the process or to have clothes ready in a short time, place them on top of the radiators. Doing so, however, increases the humidity in the radiator area and risks increasing the formation of mold in an area that is less visible and more difficult to clean. So this little action can prove to be very problematic, especially if done on a regular basis. It can in fact be exploited as an emergency solution to be used once in a while. The same goes for the positions of the clothes on the drying rack. In fact, overlapping them or placing them too close together as well as hindering drying leads to an accumulation of humidity.

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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only. We do not know the behavior of our readers towards tools in the home or in the garden. For this reason it is recommended to use the utmost caution and attention with tools for the home and garden. to avoid creating unpleasant accidents In any case, it is strongly recommended to read the warnings given WHO”)

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